Category Archives: What

If you have experienced hair thinning you may be nearly the same as me. You’ve tried all of the lotions and potions and pills and you never know maybe you have had some success. You may have grown some hair back or stopped the remainder from receding. The issue is that none of those topical (you rub into your face) treatments or pill based treatments can definitely cure the issue of extensive loss. The only real means to fix that’s transplant hair surgery – the only real perma......
Sleep apnoea is a very common condition, but one which is unfortunately very difficult to diagnose and which as a result is often suffered for years at a time before sufferers are finally diagnosed. The disorder is characterised by pauses in breathing which can occur up to sixty times an hour. The pauses happen because the tissue around the airway collapses and there is insufficient muscle tone to hold the windpipe open. Pauses in the breathing, lasting up to a minute at a time cause oxyg......
You maybe seeing and envying people around you crowned with beautiful lavish hair while you are wondering why yours is getting thinner and receding.  Or you’re maybe one of many who spend time each day in front of the mirror worrying and carefully inspecting their hair.   While losing hair is much of a worry for men and women alike, there’s something you should know about the hair cycle and the proper hair care to keep yours healthy thus preventing hair loss.  These are the th......
If your medical provider has prescribed a CPAP machine for your use, you may be confused about what parts need replacement and the frequency in which they need to be replaced. Maintaining your CPAP machine is vital to the success of your treatment, and you should replace your CPAP supplies on a regular schedule. Supply replacement can be broken into three intervals: items that need to be replaced once a month, every three months, and every six months. Once a month, you should replace the ......
For those who wish to sidestep surgery and chemicals, there are some natural remedies available. Scalp massage is supposed to promote blood flow in the hair follicles, which in turn causes hair to grow. Nettles are rich in vitamins A and C, several key minerals and lipids that can be beneficial to the hair. Nettle Root Extract has been used successfully in Europe as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase in treating BPH. As mentioned earlier, 5-alpha reductase is a key component in turning tes......
Have you been to see a doctor recently only to have him diagnose you with sleep apnea? If this is the case, you probably want to know what is sleep apnea? This is a very serious condition in which one stops and starts breathing on a repeated basis while sleeping. If you feel tired even after getting what appears to be a good night’s sleep or you snore, you may have this condition. There are three types of sleep apnea and you need to know which one you have been diagnosed with. What ......
When some people hear the term “herniated disc,” they wince in pain. For anyone that has ever had this condition, they can relate to the pain that can be incurred when this happens. Fortunately, today’s medical doctors have developed therapies and treatments to alleviate and sometimes eliminate the pain that comes with a herniated disc. What is a Herniated Disc? Discs made of cartilage separate the vertebrae in the back from each other and provide cushioning during movem......
As living standards rise, most of us can afford sports sunglasses. Sports sunglasses are a matter of our eye health. Wearing a pair of good quality sports sunglasses could shield our eyes from wind, dust, flying insects and avoid the harm by hitting somebody or some object when we engage in games. Besides, sports sunglasses could also protect our eyes from UV rays. And thanks to the development of technology, it cut the cost of sports sunglasses. It is possible to purchase some quality pr......
Contrary to many popular beliefs the loss of hair does not only affect ageing men. Young men and some women may experience hair loss at some stage of their life. Most men notice that they are going bald when they wake up one morning and discover the receding hairline in the mirror. Unfortunately for many of these people hair growth shampoo is the last thing on their minds. Hair loss can be a hereditary problem which simply means that someone in your family has suffered from this loss befo......
Most of the probable surgical patients are aware of the fact that all kinds of surgeries come with inherent operative risks. So, Lasik eye surgery Utah also has some disadvantages. People who undergo Lasik laser surgery has to deal with different Lasik complications. Though these risks are rare, but about 5 percent of people have reported laser eye surgery complications. It is essential that you should be aware of these complications, before you hunt for Lasik surgeons in Utah and contact......
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