Category Archives: How

You hear ringing and ringing in the ears? These noises (tinnitus) are truly unbearable. Do not let go and you start to depress you looking for a way to get rid … Each sufferer of tinnitus has a personal experience with the condition. What brings relief for one person may not work for another. There are a variety of natural treatments available, but tinnitus sufferers should seek a physician’s care before pursuing a course of treatment. Alternative Therapy–Acupuncture, ......
Carbohydrate consumption seems to be the biggest influence of obesity today. Fat consumption serves to increase fat burn, not fat stores. Carbs certainly are not fats, but our body can convert them into the deadliest fats of all. Eating carbs raises blood glucose levels, and insulin is released to carry the carbs to the individual cells for power. Leftover carbs are used as stored energy by the liver. The end product is a triglyceride, a deadly fatty acid that comes from vLDL. There is no......
Roughly thirty-five percent of all women will go through a form of bacterial vaginosis at some point. Unfortunately, it is not probably to be a single case of the disease either, because once it makes an appearance, it is highly likely to re-emerge. The disease takes place because of changes to the acid environment of a woman’s vagina. It most often happens when women use highly scented soaps, douches and bubble baths; use an intrauterine device or the coil; or due to certain types ......
Reaching the age of thirty can make finding the right skin care regimen difficult. The majority of the products on the market either address the needs of much younger women- such as acne control- or much older women who are looking for products to correct wrinkles and lines they already have. For women in their 30’s, the best skin care creams must contain ingredients that treat blemishes without being overly drying as well as ingredients that prevent lines and wrinkles without being......
Hair loss is among the gradually more visible problems of developed world. It can cause declining self-esteem and traumatized self-confidence. In order to enjoy a balanced life, a good look is regarded as important ingredient. Your hair demand special attention as they are part of your look and you can put a very positive impression of you by having a well-shaped hair style. For that matter, it is very important for you to stop the hair loss; however, for better stoppage of hair loss, it ......
The burning and itching that I felt each time on my skin turned my days miserable. I was immensely depressed and preferred to stay away from my friends. Often I had to lock myself inside the room to avoid contact with them. Blisters had turned the situations worse because they made me feel each time that I am infected with shingles. Shingles is a viral disease which causes blisters and pain on the skin. The virus is usually present in your body but it is not active because of your immune ......
When you are so accustomed to a particular habit as addictive as smoking and drinking, it is very hard to let go of it. However with a strong will, nothing is impossible. Whatever the reason maybe that triggered your addiction, it can ruin your life if you don’t stop it as soon as possible. Here in this article we will talk about how to quit smoking or drinking. First and foremost, don’t go with the preconceived notion that you will be able to quit smoking immediately. Smokin......
Just like any other business, cosmetic surgery is also a business. So it is imperative that the prices of cosmetic surgery on any body part will cost a lot. Breast augmentation being a part of this group of surgeries is also pretty expensive. As per The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the average cost falls between the range of $5900 and $ 6300. This is inclusive of your doctor’s fee, anaesthesiologist, nurse, cost of implants, medicine, etc. This is a rough figure, ......
Fine lines and wrinkles are an unfortunate part of aging.  Whilst every woman can learn the art of hair and makeup, skin is the one area of our appearance that we simply cannot impact with the flick of a makeup brush. There is a secret out there, however, that many women have not yet caught onto and that secret is called Hyaluronic Acid. Although it sounds quite scary, Hyaluronic Acid is actually a naturally occurring fatty acid in the skin and it is known as “HA” for short.  ......
Hair is considered to be our crowning glory, proper care needs to be taken so that its sheen sparkle is maintained for a longer duration of time. A healthy hair is always an indication of a healthy mind body. Unfortunately our lifestyle, harsh weather, poor hygiene, harmful chemicals etc leads to hair damage. Everyone wants to have a glowing shinier hair, but not many people know that the methods or products they use (even at salons) can bring the downfall of their hair.   When the ha......
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