Category Archives: Aging

The skin aging process is a natural part of getting older.  However you can prevent the rate at which your skin ages and slow down the process.  There are certain lifestyle habits such as smoking, sun exposure, unhealthy diet and using unsafe skin care products that can speed up the rate at which your skin age. Premature wrinkles can appear from as early as in your 20s especially for people who smoke, drink and spend a lot of time in the sun.  Wrinkles and lines usually appear in the late......
People are busy with new antiaging therapy and manufacturers are busy with promoting their anti-aging products for them. This process has been continuing for long time in US. No matter, you will always come up with interesting news – How ageing is redefined and what are the latest anti-aging parameters? You will also get to know new antiaging formula or solution discovered on a regular basis. It’s good to have all those information in your pocket. But, is that all what you......
As you grow old your body’s regenerative powers will slowly begin to fade and the functionality of all major organs will start to deteriorate. Although growing old is inevitable, staying healthy even in your later years is an option most of you should choose to exercise. Being alive and healthy is a better option than staying alive with a broken liver or a bad heart. Mind Your brain is essentially what controls and regulates the major functions of your body including breathing and e......
The best anti wrinkle products seek to address the problem of wrinkles. Are you a victim of this problem? Are wrinkles making you feel old and unattractive? This problem can weigh down any woman. Expensive medical procedures such as botox injections, laser treatment and surgery are being used every day to address this issue of wrinkles. Aging causes the skin to lose its tautness and muscle tone. This results in the formation of unsightly lines and wrinkles. Society puts a lot of value to ......
Aging is a natural process that no one can prevent. However, aging can be delayed with the help of medical science and research advancements in the field of cosmetology. The skin is the visible part of the body where signs of aging occur. Because of this, a lot of advancements in the cosmetology field were made not to prevent the signs of aging but to delay them. Botox is a great medical invention that used to be an impossible task. It is a kind of toxin named botulinium that was discover......
Although you can’t stop aging, you can certainly slow the physical process and improve chances of having a healthy and disability free old age. Here are some tips for healthy aging. Make plant based foods a major part of your diet Compounds called photochemicals are believed to help prevent age related health problems like high blood pressure, macular degeneration, heart diseases and more. Plant based foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains are loaded with phytochemicals. A d......
Sugar Contributes to Aging “A feasible step would be a modification of the contents of school tuck-shops, so that sweets were replaced by such things as raw fruit, dried fruits, and nuts, in order that some inroads were made on the present dreadful commitment to sweets by the young people.”                                                                    Scource: Quigley,D.T.,M.D. The National Malnutrition 1974 Victor Zammit, head of cell biochemistry at the Hannah Research ......
Do you want to look younger than your real age? And do you want to be mentally and physically fit at the same time? The aging process is caused by several aspects. Here are the 12 tips against aging! 1. Reduce Calories Several studies have shown that overweight and the related diseases cause premature aging. Work on finding ways to take in fewer calories while still enjoying foods that you love or prefer. A good formula is to eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, to consume one or two ......
The desire to remain young never fades. When you are young at heart you lighten up your surroundings. But, along with feeling young we all want to look young. As youth fades away and age starts to set in you need to take care of your skin. Simple skin care tips will help you to look charming even while you are not so young. The natural way to reverse aging is to live a healthy life. As ages catches up you need to have some anti aging tips in your kitty to camouflage your age. Life style m......
The popularity of skin anti aging care also called (in German Anti Aging Pflege, )and the makeup industry has proof positive that people around the world are searching for a way to have more good-looking and healthy skin. The amount of money spent each year is an indication to our increased focus on anti aging and better, younger-looking skin. Just put, our diets can and will say to a big degree the health of our skin. Natural oils found in fish and nuts and other food stuff together wit......
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