Category Archives: Appearance

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery, sometimes referred to as “nose reshaping” or a “nose job,” improves the appearance and proportion of your nose, enhancing facial harmony and self confidence. Surgery of the nose may also correct impaired breathing caused by structural abnormalities in the nose. Enhancing your appearance with nose plastic surgery While the shape of your nose is usually the result of heredity, the appearance may have been altered in an injury or during pr......
Cosmetic Dentistry is a form of dentistry which the main goal is to improve the appearance of the individual teeth or gums and even the smile. Many individuals are very conscious of their teeth because it’s also a form of beauty. They spend a lot of money just to make their teeth become whiter and stronger. Cosmetic dentistry helps them to put some accessories or cosmetics like braces, porcelain veneers’, crown and even tooth bleaching to improve the appearance of the client&#......
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