Category Archives: Awareness

According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, there are two distinct causes of oral cancer. One, which I have mentioned in an earlier article is through the use of tobacco (and alcohol), a long time historic environmental cause, and the other is through the exposure to the HPV-16 virus (human papilloma virus version 16), which is a newly identified etiology, and apparently the same one which is responsible for the vast majority of cervical cancers in women.  And a small number (under 5 %) of p......
We are all well aware of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. We’ve heard time and time about the foods to eat, the foods to avoid and we’ve been encouraged to exercise. We’re informed about the harmful effects to our health that is result of eating poorly. Change in diet is constantly reinforced by our doctors, our friends and are loved ones but sometimes we can’t help but indulge. We get it. We get that in order to live our healthiest, happiest lives there......
Consumer Health Awareness Can Help You Plan a Healthy Meal Plan You would eat healthy if you just knew how. You’ve heard of several different ways offered by several different resources all claiming to have the secret to healthy living and reduced weight.  You don’t know what to believe. You’ve admittedly tried every fad, tested every theory and hoped for every gimmick. This was all to no avail. You are quite exhausted and you want information delivered in a fashion that......
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