Category Archives: Bacterial

Bacterial vaginosis usually caused by is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina and an overgrowth of painful or harmful bacteria. Visiting a physician will normally result in a prescription for an oral antibiotic drug. The only problem with these antibiotic drugs is that they not only kill the bad bacteria, but the good as well. There are numerous home remedies for bacterial vaginosis that are just as effective as physician prescribed antibiotic drug that does not kill the good bacteria t......
Most of us while trying to figure out how to get rid of bacterial vaginosis naturally fail to understand the significance of our body’s natural immune system. We put in all our efforts to identify remedies which will provide us quick relief from symptoms of vaginosis. As a result the relief which we get is normally temporary.Our immune system has a very significant role to play in ensuring good vaginal health. Irrespective of whether a weak immune system was the main cause of bv or ......
Bacterial vaginosis  can be mainly caused by an superabundance of bad bacteria, called gardnerella, in the vaginal tract. Bacterial vaginosis is not well understood, however, the condition has been associated with sexual intercourse and having multiple sexual partners. There is also a link between using an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control and douching to development of the condition. Symptoms include itching, burning, a fishy smell and a clear to grayish discharge. There are so......
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