Category Archives: body

Our hair is one of the most attractive things about us. Lets face it, everyone loves having a head full of healthy hair as it outlines our entire look.  Hair loss can be simply caused by lack of protein in our body. Being made up of 80% protein, 10-15% water and 5-10% pigments, lipids and minerals, a diet ful of protein is essential! Fish, chicken, nuts, eggs, cheese etc is all you’ll need to get down you, not forgetting plenty of water, taking your vitamins and exercising. Hair gro......
HCG represents Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in shorter form is a hormone present in both men and women, but is produced excessive amounts in pregnant women.  During pregnancy this hormone is supposed to control the entire metabolism of the body. While it is secreted in lesser amounts in males and non pregnant women, but studies show that this hormone if taken externally can even regulate the body metabolism. And this research was primarily conducted by Dr A T Simeons and later on several ......
Contrary to popular belief, the fat that you consume in your diet is never stored as excess body fat! You may be skeptical, but it’s true.  There is absolutely no biological process in the human body that causes fat that you get from food to be stored into the body as excess body fat.  None. If you are really interested in losing body fat, you have to know who the real culprit is: SUGAR! Why You Have Excess Body Fat Sugar, which is a carbohydrate, is the only substance that is respo......
Vitamin E is a yellow fluid, which resembles butter and is fat-soluble. Although this vitamin is fat-soluble, it does not dissolve in water. It’s also resistant to weak acids and can be damaged by ultraviolet light.  Vitamin E is synthesized in the green part of plants and like other animals, the humans cannot produce vitamin E and we have to get it by eating foods and drinking vitamin supplements. You can get vitamin E from foods like eggs, meat, fish, corn, wheat and others like t......
Molybdenum is a component of three different enzymes, which is involved in the metabolism of nucleic acids – DNA and RNA – iron as well as food into energy. These three enzymes are sulfite oxidase, xanthine oxidase and aldehyde oxidase. Molybdenum is required for:- Molybdenum assists in the breaking down of sulfite toxin build-ups in the body, and may prevent cavities. With these qualities, there might be evidence of antioxidant properties in this nutrient. It assists the body......
Summer is here and you are ready for the beach! But wait a minute, you want to get that bikini body first.  Let’s be honest, during the winter months many people fall into the weight gain mode.  Its nothing to be ashamed about after all your activities are limited in the cold weather and you become accustomed to lounging around.  Why not learn how to lose the weight and keep it off.  Next winter, you won’t be lounging around, in fact, you will be in the best shape of your life......
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