Category Archives: Causes

Menopause usually occurs in women during their midlife around the early 50s. It is the end of the fertile phase of a woman’s life and a transition from a reproductive life to a non reproductive one. This transition happens slowly over a period of time and is a natural process of aging in women. It is not a medical illness, but a natural process which marks the end of the menstruation cycle in a woman. Menopause occurs over a period of time and is not a sudden occurrence. It takes ......
Endometriosis is a condition of displaced endometrial tissues. The tissue which lines the inside of the uterus starts growing outside the uterus in this condition. This tissue continues to thicken and break down with the menstruation resulting it to get trapped because of its displacement. Endometriosis occurs during the reproductive phase in the woman and is common in women with the issue of infertility. This condition is the leading cause of pelvic pain in women. The main symptom of t......
Some consider wrinkles as a sign of graceful aging. Some consider it as a sign of AGING period. Others think of wrinkles as a testimony to acquired wisdom. Others just don’t want to testify for such a clichéd excuse to what they consider as unflattering physical manifestation. But whether one is amongst those who can live with it, or with the opposite group that wants to defy it, it still pays to know important details regarding this very common phenomenon. Read on and be familiariz......
Mastitis is typically diagnosed by a physician based on signs such as swollen, red, and painful breasts and flu-like symptoms. If a physician is unsure whether a patient has mastitis, he or she may order a laboratory culture of the breast milk. Approximately 10% of women with mastitis develop abscesses in the infected breast area. An abscess is a benign (non-cancerous) closed pocket containing pus (a creamy, thick, pale yellow or yellow-green fluid). Abscesses are usually drained with nee......
Ringing in the ears – also known as tinnitus – can dramatically erode the quality of life for sufferers, and yet relatively little is known about the condition. The main cause of ringing in the ears is continuous exposure to loud sounds. Up to 90% of people with tinnitus have noise-induced hearing loss, while a smaller percentage have hearing loss and ringing in the ears attributed to the natural again process. Loud noise causes permanent damage to the sound-sensitive cells of......
Vaginal yeast infection is most commonly induced due to the fungus candida albicans. It is also known as monilial vaginitis or vaginal candidiasis. Most ladies are afflicted by this ailment sooner or later in their living. The disease may also seem inside the digestive tract, skin and the mouth. The infection crops up anytime the harmony of existing bacteria in the vagina will get disturbed. Antibiotics utilised for treating distinct sorts of infections, generally alter the average harmon......
Causes of Hearing Loss in Adults Hearing loss in adults can either be inherited from your parents or acquired from illness, ototoxic (ear-damaging) drugs, exposure to loud noise, tumors, head injury, or the aging process. This loss may occur by itself or with tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Some causes of hearing loss in adults are described below: Otosclerosis is a disease involving the middle ear. It affects the movement of the tiny bones in the middle ear. Otosclerosis can cause a cond......
Arthritis is a joint (the area of the body where two different bones meet) disorder. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, pseudogout, psoriatic arthritis, and fibromyalgia are some common types. As a degenerative joint disease, it is the major cause of disability in older people. Also visit our websites So it is better to consult physician as early as possible if any of the following symptoms persists. Let’s discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, and cure for a......
Heel pain changes the way you walk. It surely does but more than that it hampers your routine life-style. There are several causes and therefore, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the pain. Once you discover the cause, it becomes easy to treat the pain with the appropriate medical treatment. And you need the services of a qualified podiatrist to get rid of the pain at the earliest. At a time when everything is available on Internet, it is not a tough task to lo......
Mostly people think that yeast infections only affect women but that’s not it. Anyone can get them men, children, the elderly and even babies can be affected too. During the time when my daughter was breast feeding I used to think that the white stuff in her mouth was cuddled milk. Only when we went for her check up one day did the doctor tell us that it was a yeast infection common in children called thrush. A yeast infection ( thrush or Candida) can be quite chronic and hidden one......
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