Category Archives: Crafting

Compelling messages are unique in a number of ways. There is no universal one. Each compelling message addresses a specific audience. This is called message to market match. Each compelling message has a proposition tied to it. What is the proposition? It is the message that describes what is being offered. Often the proposition will be up front in the headline. Sometimes it can be in the subhead following the headline. Often the proposition will be the device used to get the attention of......
In 1980, I knew very little about marketing. Still I tried my hand at writing what I thought was compelling copy for a brochure. Looking back on those various pieces now makes me laugh. I didn’t have a clue! The copy failed to do what I wanted it to do – bring in a treasure trove of new patients. What is obvious now wasn’t even on the distant mental radar back then. I wish I could say something clever about my early ineptitude. The only thing that fits is misery loves company.......
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