Category Archives: Disorders

Even though prostate disorders will affect over 50% of men at some point during their lifetime, the cause and treatment of the illnesses are still mysterious to many in the medical field, not to mention the general public. For instance, did you know that the median age of people suffering from prostatitis, one of the most commonly diagnosed prostate disorder, is 30? And that it is spreading most rampantly among teenagers? It’s never too early to educate yourself and be proactive abo......
Sleep experts estimate every person will experience a sleep disorder at some point in their life. Sleep disorders occur regularly over long periods, or they can be intermittent, occurring maybe once or twice over a person’s life, or at random, unpredictable intervals. Sleep disorders usually occur as part of a range of symptoms of an outside stress – whether that’s illness, stress from work or family life, grief, or an irregular work schedule. While hundreds of different sleep......
Sleep disorders affect many New Zealanders every day. Researchers suggest every person will be affected by a sleep disorder at some point in their life. Here are some of the more common sleep disorders – do any of them sound familiar? Insomnia: the most common sleep disorder, insomnia means you’re not getting a sufficient amount of sleep. You might struggle to fall asleep, or wake up frequently in the middle of the night and not be able to return to sleep. Insomnia can have many cau......
Experts estimate every person will suffer from a sleep disorder at some point in their life. For most people, this will be insomnia brought on by stress or grief, or disorders associated with shift work. Most common sleep disorders can be cured by lifestyle changers or taking herbal sleeping pills. However for some people, sleep disorders aren’t that simple. Two rare sleeping disorders – Kleine-Levin Syndrome, and Exploding Head Syndrome, baffle researches, who can’t figure ou......
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