Category Archives: Eyesight

Recognizing the fact that almost half of America’s population wears some sort of glasses or artificial lenses, it seems it is time to expose what may be considered one of the best kept secrets in America.   I can think of many reasons why it has been kept a secret all of these years – as I am sure you can too.   Given it has been proven repeatedly that simple eye exercises can improve eyesight and can reverse damage already done to the eyes, then why is this not being taught in our ......
  Your glasses may actually be hurting your eyes. Now that’s a scary thought, isn’t it?   We go to the eye doctor to help our eyes, and now we find out the eyeglasses and contacts prescribed that we have paid big bucks for – may be hurting our eyes instead of helping them.   Now don’t get upset with your doctor.  He probably was never taught this natural way of healing the eyes – the natural way to improve eyesight without glasses, contacts or surgery.   There have......
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