Category Archives: Gain

Whenever you set out to do something in your life, it would help you a lot to focus on a specific goal (or set of goals) instead of having a generalized view of what you want to achieve. For example, setting your goals on having a million dollars in your bank account after a year is much better than setting your goals on becoming rich someday. And things are no different when it comes to building muscle. The thing is, the clearer your goal is, the better your chances are in actually achie......
  There are many people who underestimate the power of drinking adequate amounts of water for the promotion of muscle growth. The vast majority of your body’s muscle mass consists of water. Dehydration will instantly decrease your workout performance and will have a serious impact on your muscle mass gaining results. The rule of thumb is, if you wait until you feel thirsty then it is probably already too late to maintain optimal hydration. The Significance of Water   Sixty percent o......
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