Category Archives: Greatest

Brushing your teeth at least twice daily is always a must for a fresh and clean mouth and it’s also by far the best of all toothache remedies. With all of the things that people put in their mouths, it’s hard to imagine that even with brushing their teeth will stay clean and germ-free. As important as brushing your teeth regularly is, remember that not all of the dirt in your mouth can be cleansed away by an ordinary toothbrush. This is the reason why the electronic toothbrush......
When people think of hearing aids, they might think more of old ear trumpets than high-quality, advanced devices, but the integration of Bluetooth with hearing aid technology is changing that. Hearing aid manufacturers are lately using Bluetooth as a tool to improve their products, and each manufacturer is taking a different approach. I first became aware of Bluetooth technology and hearing aids in 2009, when I purchased a set of Oticon Epoq aids through my audiologist. The Bluetooth tech......
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