Category Archives: Hearing

Most people with hearing loss have used behind the ear hearing aids at one point in their lives. Right now, they may be using the miniature pieces for better sound or keep them away from the plying eyes of their colleagues. These devices serve the same purpose but they have different technology with some possessing the mechanization for sound clarity while others have the right system to amplify better. A number of factors guide the choice people make in relation to these devices. For ins......
The Invention of Hearing Aids has undoubtedly proved a boon to mankind. Hearing aids are electro-acoustic devices that are designed to receive and modulate sound waves. This helps in providing improved hearing to the hearing impaired individuals. With the advancements in technology, hearing aids are introduced that are preferred over the traditional analog hearing aids. These hearing aids have gained immense recognition among practitioners and audiologists. Digital hearing aids in 2011 ha......
Getting fitted for the right type and style of hearing aid takes into consideration: the shape of your ear, your degree of hearing loss, and your lifestyle. In order to obtain a hearing aid, you will need to visit a licensed hearing professional – before, during and after – receiving your device. A licensed practitioner specializing in hearing loss and ear functions – i.e. an audiologist, a hearing healthcare provider, or an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor – will administer a thorough e......
All About Hearing Aid Repairs Hearing aid repairs are something that everyone that wears aids may need from time to time.  Repairs can be a great alternative to purchasing a new hearing aids and this is an avenue that you can take before you make a new investment. If you have purchased an expensive hearing aid, a warranty will likely be included; this is something that you will want to look for, as your repairs could be at no cost to you. Damaging buildup often happens to hearing aids and......
Swiss hearing specialist Phonak has launched SafetyMeter, a new fit testing system that ensures the company’s Serenity customers receive, and continue to receive, exactly the ear protection they require. Unlike standard sound attenuation values such as Noise Reduction Ratings (NRRs) and Single Number Ratings (SNRs), which are laboratory tested, SafetyMeter assesses and documents the actual in-ear sound attenuation a Phonak user receives from their custom-molded Serenity protection. ......
There are still many people today who suffer from hearing loss but are reluctant to get a hearing test and fitted with hearing aids due to outdated information about their appearance and overall functionality. Hearing aid technology has come a long way with the older analog devices being mostly phased out and digital technology taking its place. Users experience a greater amount of freedom along with improved and more natural hearing even in environments with lots of background noise. Man......
In some people, gradual hearing loss may also be an early sign of types of dementia. We listen with our ears but hear with our brains. Gradual hearing loss is a common symptom of aging, but in some people it may also be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease Gradual hearing loss is a common symptom of aging, but in some people it may also be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia, a new study suggests. The risk of dementia appears to rise as hearing decl......
Causes of Hearing Loss in Adults Hearing loss in adults can either be inherited from your parents or acquired from illness, ototoxic (ear-damaging) drugs, exposure to loud noise, tumors, head injury, or the aging process. This loss may occur by itself or with tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Some causes of hearing loss in adults are described below: Otosclerosis is a disease involving the middle ear. It affects the movement of the tiny bones in the middle ear. Otosclerosis can cause a cond......
When people think of Hearing Aid Accessories, they might think more of old ear trumpets than high-quality, advanced devices, but the integration of Bluetooth with hearing aid technology is changing that. Hearing aid manufacturers are lately using Bluetooth as a tool to improve their products, and each manufacturer is taking a different approach. I first became aware of Bluetooth technology and hearing aids in 2009.For knowing bluetooth hearing aids, we need to first know what bluetooth te......
In this article you will find some strategies to prevent your hearing loss which are absolutely free. Unlike Hearing Aids, they will cost you nothing you just have to bring them in practice. Those are just in your home. Nowadays, houses are not designed according to the hearing needs of the people. So, now the first thing towards preventing hearing loss is to make our homes more user friendly by making some rearrangements. Three of them are light, distance and noise, in order to reduce th......
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