Category Archives: Infertility

When a couple tries to conceive for more than a year or so without the use of any contraceptive measures but fails, the condition is referred to as infertility. More than 25 percent of the couples experience problems when trying to become pregnant and in about one third of these couples’, problems with male infertility is the issue. Infertility in men is actually not related to the virility of a man but it is connected to the absence of the right quantity or the quality of sperm and......
Here are some of the diagnosis I see in my patients’ reproductive medical records:  “Clomid Failure,” “High FSH,” “Poor Responder,” “IVF Failure,” “Poor Egg Quality,” “Advanced Maternal Age,” and “Donor Egg Candidate.” These are the most devastating reproductive diagnoses a woman can receive. Yet, most of my patients have high FSH, are over 35 years of age, and have been given upsetting opinions like......
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