Category Archives: Sleep

Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall asleep, and it can involve waking frequently during the night, with difficulty falling back to sleep, or having unrefreshing sleep.  There are no guidelines for the number of hours slept or how long it takes to fall asleep that define insomnia.  Those who suffer from insomnia may have excess tiredness during the day, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating and irritability. Insomnia comes in 3 types: transient (short-term), intermittent (on an......
But what if we can’t sleep? What if the lights just won’t turn off in our brains? Worse, what if a mild case of insomnia has taken over? In some cases you need to go see a professional about your problem – but in others, there are some simple things you can do to not only get to sleep, but to improve the quality of your existing sleep. Here are a few of them. – First, you need to take a good, long look at your mattress – not to mention a feel. Is it sufficien......
Sound sleep is the prerequisite to a cheerful morning and information about sleeping disorders is what you should know for a good and sound sleep. It is not only information about what affects your nights but also vital sleep information facts are essential to take the first step towards a good night sleep. But the first question you need to ask before anything else is why sleep is important? What will happen if we do not sleep at all? And what if we sleep partially? If you are not the on......
Sleep deprivation is the condition of not having enough sleep. Most people need 6-8 hours of sleep to keep healthy. In this world today, it is hard to get that required amount of sleep. We live our lives at such a fast pace such as handeling our family affairs, work, or even our nightly activities. Many people force themselves to carry out their daily routines on a few hours of sleep. Insufficient sleep can be manifested in many ways like an exhausted immune system, weakened thinking abil......
Sleep paralysis is a state of awareness that a person enters before falling asleep or before waking. Shortly before entering the sleeping state your mind paralyzes the body from 3 seconds to a few minutes. Also, during REM sleep, our body is paralyzed entirely so that we don?t act out our dreams and ?fall off trees?. There are 2 different entering points for sleep paralysis. Hypnagogic or Predormital Sleep Paralysis Hypnagogic sleep paralysis occurs when a person tries to fall asleep. Aft......
Sleep apnoea is a very common condition, but one which is unfortunately very difficult to diagnose and which as a result is often suffered for years at a time before sufferers are finally diagnosed. The disorder is characterised by pauses in breathing which can occur up to sixty times an hour. The pauses happen because the tissue around the airway collapses and there is insufficient muscle tone to hold the windpipe open. Pauses in the breathing, lasting up to a minute at a time cause oxyg......
Are you bothering the people around you every time you go to sleep? Are you having a hard time controlling or putting a stop to snoring? Then you’re not alone. Snoring is very common. It affects both men and women, though there are more men who snore than women. There are toddler sleep problems too, and despite their pint size, they can create a snorting or rattling sound very loudly. Snoring problems should not be taken lightly or even be considered as cute and funny. They may be s......
What is normally disregarded when people say they’re “sleep deprived” is exactly HOW your sleep deprivation presents itself. The answer to how your sleep deprivation happens can be the most valuable lead to your tailored sleep solution. For instance, trouble falling asleep generally has a completely different underlying problem to waking up too early in the morning.  Waking up in the middle of the night anxious and worried, is a different underlying problem to getting up......
Sleep Apnea and Snoring: Oral Devices. These are devices worn in the mouth that helps improve sleep quality by controlling sleep apnea and snoring. An oral device (mouthpiece) has two purposes. It aligns the lower jaw with the upper jaw where the wearer has an over- or underbite, and it forces the wearer to breathe through the nose instead of the mouth. An oral appliance is held in place by the teeth. Many different types of oral appliances are available, but the most widely used and res......
Who would have thought that one thing as rest (sleep), it is hard to come by? Since sleep is relaxing and refreshing, because it is prone to be a sleep disorder? It is true that inadequate or disturbed sleep can have adverse effects on brain function, which besides affecting a person’s awareness can also affect memory. Ayurveda, which is a traditional practice of medicine and a native to India, says, “People or constitutions that are most vulnerable to having a sleep disorder......
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