Category Archives: Symptoms

Hair is considered to be our crowning glory, proper care needs to be taken so that its sheen sparkle is maintained for a longer duration of time. A healthy hair is always an indication of a healthy mind body. Unfortunately our lifestyle, harsh weather, poor hygiene, harmful chemicals etc leads to hair damage. Everyone wants to have a glowing shinier hair, but not many people know that the methods or products they use (even at salons) can bring the downfall of their hair.   When the ha......
Majority folks automatically think of ringing in the ears with what is referred to as tinnitus. However, while that is often encountered with this condition, there is more to it than that. Based on US government statistics, more or less 12% of men from 65 to 75 years are affected with tinnitus. There are other unique statistics such as a greater tendency among males of Caucasian origin, for instance. Many instances of this ear condition are not severe and easily ignored. In addition, some......
Hearing Loss Symptoms Hearing loss may be gradual or sudden. Hearing loss may be very mild, resulting in minor difficulties with conversation, or as severe as complete deafness. The speed with which hearing loss occurs may give clues as to the cause. * If hearing loss is sudden, it may be from trauma or a problem with blood circulation. A gradual onset is suggestive of other causes such as aging or a tumor. * If you also have other associated neurological problems, such as tinnitus (rin......
Leucorrhea women streaming out from the vagina with viscous white liquid, cervical glands, the secretion of endometrial and vaginal mucosa exudates, vaginal exfoliated epithelial cells of mixed formed. Leucorrhea containing Lactobacillus, lysozyme and antibodies, it is the role of bacterial growth inhibition. After they married, leucorrhea vaginal lubrication can also allow for sex. For more information please visit Women, on the other hand, commonly believe that ......
Sleep paralysis is a state of awareness that a person enters before falling asleep or before waking. Shortly before entering the sleeping state your mind paralyzes the body from 3 seconds to a few minutes. Also, during REM sleep, our body is paralyzed entirely so that we don?t act out our dreams and ?fall off trees?. There are 2 different entering points for sleep paralysis. Hypnagogic or Predormital Sleep Paralysis Hypnagogic sleep paralysis occurs when a person tries to fall asleep. Aft......
A medical definition of what is menopause is the cessation of the female person’s reproductive capability.The age at which it starts can vary from 45-52 years of age .Some women experience menopause due to natural reasons while some experience it through surgery to the ovaries or through irradiation to the ovaries. When the female’s menstrual cycle is ended, the female’s hormonal system ceases to initiate the production of an egg in her reproductive organs. The signal to......
Menopause usually occurs in women during their midlife around the early 50s. It is the end of the fertile phase of a woman’s life and a transition from a reproductive life to a non reproductive one. This transition happens slowly over a period of time and is a natural process of aging in women. It is not a medical illness, but a natural process which marks the end of the menstruation cycle in a woman. Menopause occurs over a period of time and is not a sudden occurrence. It takes ......
Thrush is often a quite frequent ailment amongst girls, due to the fungus Candida albicans. This can be commonly found around the vaginal area and in quite a few females, you will find no thrush symptoms as it’s neutralized from the existence of other bacteria inside the vagina. At times, bacterial equilibrium gets misbalanced because of hormonal modifications in the course of pregnancy, taking antibiotics to get a prolonged time, wearing tight artificial underwear or by other illne......
“It is positive.” “I am pregnant?” “I am going to be a mother!” “I am going to have a baby” What a complete new world of feelings emotions now opens up inside you. Incredulity, joy, fear, acceptance and excitement: the list continues. However for majority of women, they are eventually distilled into zeal, to discover out the challenges they are going to face in the subsequent few months. In your life, at no other time will you experience as......
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