Category Archives: Treat

The burning and itching that I felt each time on my skin turned my days miserable. I was immensely depressed and preferred to stay away from my friends. Often I had to lock myself inside the room to avoid contact with them. Blisters had turned the situations worse because they made me feel each time that I am infected with shingles. Shingles is a viral disease which causes blisters and pain on the skin. The virus is usually present in your body but it is not active because of your immune ......
Arthritis is a joint (the area of the body where two different bones meet) disorder. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, pseudogout, psoriatic arthritis, and fibromyalgia are some common types. As a degenerative joint disease, it is the major cause of disability in older people. Also visit our websites So it is better to consult physician as early as possible if any of the following symptoms persists. Let’s discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, and cure for a......
When a couple tries to conceive for more than a year or so without the use of any contraceptive measures but fails, the condition is referred to as infertility. More than 25 percent of the couples experience problems when trying to become pregnant and in about one third of these couples’, problems with male infertility is the issue. Infertility in men is actually not related to the virility of a man but it is connected to the absence of the right quantity or the quality of sperm and......
In the present time, the number of children who suffer blurry vision is on the rise. Most people who have pseudomyopia are primary or middle school students. Their vision gets worse in a quite quick way within one to two months. They can’t see objects clearly because of improper use of their eyes. So they are susceptible to the pseudomyopia. If they don’t have treatment in time, the false myopia is likely to become the true myopia and leads to some bigger problems. The earlier......
Roughly thirty-five percent of all women will go through a form of bacterial vaginosis at some point. Unfortunately, it is not probably to be a single case of the disease either, because once it makes an appearance, it is highly likely to re-emerge. The disease takes place because of changes to the acid environment of a woman’s vagina. It most often happens when women use highly scented soaps, douches and bubble baths; use an intrauterine device or the coil; or due to certain types ......
Bacterial vaginosis  can be mainly caused by an superabundance of bad bacteria, called gardnerella, in the vaginal tract. Bacterial vaginosis is not well understood, however, the condition has been associated with sexual intercourse and having multiple sexual partners. There is also a link between using an intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control and douching to development of the condition. Symptoms include itching, burning, a fishy smell and a clear to grayish discharge. There are so......
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