Category Archives: What

The most popular television assistive listening systems now on the market are infrared systems. The transmitter (emitter) is placed on the television to pick up sound. Some systems provide an external microphone that can be positioned on the t.v. speaker.All systems provide the choice of plugging an audio cable directly into the audio output jack on the t.v.. This is the preferred method to obtain the cleanest signal possible.Most systems use an under the chin style, or stethoscope style ......
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common disorder in women that can affect from the age of teens till menopause. It occurs in the reproductive phase of a woman’s life resulting in irregular menstruation among other symptoms. The signs and symptoms can differ from woman to woman in the intensity and severity. Obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance are all very closely related with the condition of PCOS. Polycystic term means many cysts and it is called so because this condition caus......
Ringing in the ears – also known as tinnitus – can dramatically erode the quality of life for sufferers, and yet relatively little is known about the condition. The main cause of ringing in the ears is continuous exposure to loud sounds. Up to 90% of people with tinnitus have noise-induced hearing loss, while a smaller percentage have hearing loss and ringing in the ears attributed to the natural again process. Loud noise causes permanent damage to the sound-sensitive cells of......
Tubal reversal is the process for those women who want to restore their fertility, in order to have more children. This surgery, also known as tubal ligation reversal, tubal sterilization micro-surgical reanastomosis and the withdrawal takes place by opening the previously blocked fallopian tube so that the egg can be fertilized by sperm. This is a very safe procedure. What gland problems? Co-primary reproductive glands that produced by hormones in women. Hormonal imbalances are sometimes......
Some consider wrinkles as a sign of graceful aging. Some consider it as a sign of AGING period. Others think of wrinkles as a testimony to acquired wisdom. Others just don’t want to testify for such a clichéd excuse to what they consider as unflattering physical manifestation. But whether one is amongst those who can live with it, or with the opposite group that wants to defy it, it still pays to know important details regarding this very common phenomenon. Read on and be familiariz......
Overview: In this session we will discuss the HIPAA audit and enforcement processes and how they apply to covered entities and business associates. We will explain the enforcement regulations and their recent changes that increase fines and create new penalty levels, including new penalties for willful neglect of compliance that begin at $10,000. We will discuss what information and documentation needs to be prepared in advance so that you can be ready for an audit without notice. Sample ......
Pleasant things come with aging and things you would rather avoid. On the plus side, there is experience and knowledge. If you look at what we would rather live without, it is aspects like diminishing health and the loss of your youthful skin. If the latter bothers you greatly, you are probably looking for a way to turn back the hands of time and rejuvenate your skin. In order to do this, a vital aspect is finding the best anti wrinkle products available.   What To Look For In Anti Wrinkl......
It used to be said that in every family one would wish to have a doctor, a lawyer and a priest. Presumably this would get you out of any difficult situation whether it was health-related, legal or spiritual. In an age where celebrity rules and your worth is measured by your column inches or time on television, certain professions have slipped in desirability, and the medical profession has suffered from this. For those who are still interested in joining the medical profession, they might......
There are numerous cosmetic products that hit the market lately and contributed to the immense growth of the cosmetic industry. All of this was not possible if there were no demands for skin care products in the first place. People have not only become aware of their physical health but also about the way they look. Now since the market is flooded with various products it is pretty tough to figure out which ones really work. You will often come across products that claim to show you outst......
Introduction of Handicapped Transportation: Handicapped transportation can be a lifeline to those with mobility issues. By selecting a caring qualified provider, the disabled can find a safe and comfortable way to reach medical appointments this is called as handicapped transportation Handicapped transportation can be a lifeline to those with mobility issues. By selecting a caring qualified provider, the disabled can find a safe and comfortable way to reach medical appointments, run erran......
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