Amerge: Side Effects And Precautions

Amerge, a drug dedicated to severe migraine headaches, received marketing clearance from the United States FDA way back in 1998. With this, it became the second drug to have been formulated with the intention of providing sustained relief from migrant attacks in 50 years! The first one was Imitrex , which was launched in the market in 1993. Quite naturally, therefore, for patients suffering from regular migraine attacks, this drug is nothing short of a boon. Migraine headaches have responded well to this medication, with recurrence delayed for a period of 24-72 hours post administration. Considering the fact that most acute migraine attacks can be simply unbearable, such extent of relief would be highly sought after.

Amerge: Precautions

As with any other drug, Amerge has its own pitfalls. It is a great idea to procure the medication from a recognized and certified online med store, which can provide valuable insights into what precautions you need to take.

To begin with, some precautions are mandatory when you start with this drug. Although there could be several case specific ones, some commonplace precautions need to be kept in perspective. For example, it is important to avoid this medication if you are suffering from diseases involving the coronary arteries. Similarly, refrain from the drug if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure or if you are suffering from hemiplegic or basilar migraine.

If you have already taken any other triptan based drug, wait for 24 hours before taking Amerge. The same applies to ergotamine drugs, which include Migranal and DHE.

Amerge: Side Effects

There are several potentially dangerous side effects associated with this drug. The most common side effects are:

  • Gastrointestinal: The most common in this category is a lingering feeling of mild nausea. In some cases, vomiting might also occur. However, these are complaints recorded by only around 4%-5% of Amerge users.
  • Cardiovascular: Cardiovascular side effects of this drug could be potentially dangerous. The drug is known to be responsible for elevating blood pressure levels. It is also known to increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks in patients who are already suffering from heart related ailments.
  • Pain and Pressure: This drug has not been proven to cause painful sensations of any sort. However, some patients do complain of a feeling of pressure on the chest, around the neck area and even in the throat. If these continue to persist or become more intense, it is important to seek medical help.
  • Neurological: Neurological side effects of this drug include an increased sense of fatigue, drowsiness and dizziness.
  • Others: Amerge might also lead to other more generalized effects, such as itchiness, constipation, blurred vision, a breakout of acne, etc. Sometimes seizures might also occur during the course of drug consumption.

These are some of the most common side effects this drug might have and is by no means an exhaustive list. Should you experience other abnormalities, immediate medical attention is advised.

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