Easy, Fast Weight Loss That Won’t Break the Bank

Have you ever put off losing weight because you can’t afford to follow a strict diet which demands expensive food, or attend an expensive members-only gym?  That doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from following a few easy, fast, and cheap ways to lose that excess weight.

Here are a few keys to easy, fast weight loss that won’t break the bank:

Be Aware of Your Caloric Intake

One of the major obstacles to permanent weight loss is being aware of how many calories you are taking in.  Keeping a small notebook with you at all times is an easy way to make sure you know exactly what it is that you’ve eaten. A quick written reminder of the exact amount of calories for each meal you’ve had will help you quickly see where you stand. With this knowledge, you’re able to better understand just how you can cut back on calories to lose the pounds.

Ditch the Soda Pop

These high-calorie, high-sugar, high-sodium beverages are not only expensive, but they’re also to blame for a lot of excess body weight. When you drink a soda, the high amounts of sodium in it cause your body to retain more water than it normally would. If you’re a habitual soda drinker, then cutting soda completely out of your diet is an easy, fast, and cheap way to lose weight.

Cook Good Food at Home

Fast food restaurants have some of the most memorable advertising jingles, and many have beloved characters associated with them. They’re an attractive place to bring the family for a nice meal, but even low-cost items can add up and be expensive.  Worse, these meals are often extremely high in fat and calories. Cooking at home is a much better option.

Beginning a routine of shopping for fresh vegetables and meat at your local grocery store will prove to be not only cheaper than eating out, but also lead to better tasting and healthier food for you and your family.  Invest in some good cookbooks or cooking classes so you can learn how to create healthier versions of your fast food favorites.  If there is good food at home, there will be no desire to waste your money at restaurants.

When cooking for yourself you’re also able to properly control your portions. Most restaurants offer portions that are far too big for the average person. When faced with these meals, many people feel remorse if they leave any food behind. This guilt-ridden habit of overeating leads to an empty wallet, a full stomach, and excess weight on your body.

Workout Easily at Home

You don’t have to join an expensive gym to be fit!  Take long walks through your neighborhood, or drive to an actual walking trail.  Invest in some inexpensive gym equipment for your home; much of it is available for less than you’d pay for a yearly gym membership.

Easy, fast weight loss can be affordable and fun if you just get creative.


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