Beauty Diet for Your Lighter Skin

A fair complexion suggests skin with a light clear tone that reflects health and beauty. By adopting behavioral patterns to maintain high levels of sulfur in your diet you can

lighten your complexion. The beauty of it is that one’s lightness endeavors become mere secondary to the healthy skin, body, mind, environment, and overall lifestyle embraced in

the process. Foods that promote healthy skin can result in a brighter, clearer, and even glowing appearance that effectively creates a lighter complexion.

You are what you eat. Following a well balanced dietary regime will definitely make your skin look healthier. Avoid consuming fast foods, oily foods and junk foods. Eggs, organ

meats, cauliflower, onions, garlic and Brussels sprouts are a partial list. Wild rice, pomegranate, chamomile, green tea, aloe, fruits, fruits, fruits! Soy, non-fat dairy,

multi-whole grains should also be added. Be sure to include carrots, mangoes, yams, tomatoes, berries, broccoli, watermelon, spinach, citrus fruit, peppers and coconut in your


Well, you can do some house remedy to your skin. Mix 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, and ? tsp of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. Mix oatmeal

with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. A mask of lemon juice and rosewater or a paste of ground mint leaves may have some lightening effect on darkened, sun-damaged

skin. Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. Lime juice is natural bleach. Weekly exfoliation can also help to whiten skin. Exfoliation creams are

easily available, or you can make your own. Oatmeal is a good resource of exfoliation foam. You can also add sugar and milk into it.

Water! Water! Water! It is important to keep the skin well hydrated by drinking lots of water. This will also help in flushing out toxins and other unwanted wastes from the

body. Antioxidants are dietary substances that inhibit cell damage and boost their ability to heal, nourish fair skin. Colorful fresh fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins

A and C.

We can see that all these skin lighter feeds can be found in our kitchen. Take action and protect your skin from the harsh sun this summer.

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