Honey Bee Pollen as an Effective Stress Reliever and Health Enhancer

Stress is perhaps the biggest health problem facing the population today, and honey bee pollen is a wonderful remedy to that problem. This may sound like an extreme claim, but consider the following two facts.

  • Stress can affect the entire body, not only by exacerbating existing health conditions, but also by promoting others.

  • Honey bee pollen is a known and trusted stress reliever.

Stress, when experienced in higher than average amounts, puts the body in a state of chaos and unrest. In response to the stressful event, which can be either physical or emotional, the body becomes overworked as it tries to recover and return to homeostasis.

This process can have debilitating effects, such as hair loss, excessive weight loss or gain, reduced fertility and sexual function, reduced mental clarity, headaches, stomach pain, fatigue, insomnia and more. Honey bee pollen is a powerful natural healer that has a track record for relieving all of these symptoms.

Many people are aware of the individual effects of stress, but few know that it can decrease their overall health and body function. The body’s immune system, which is responsible for fighting off infection and disease, can be weakened by prolonged exposure to stress.

A weakened immune system means more viruses are able to attack the body. Sometimes these viruses are minor, like the common cold. Other times, they are severe and life threatening, like bacterial meningitis. Strengthening the immune system by incorporating honey bee pollen into your diet is one of the best ways to ward off such infections.

Honey bee pollen replaces the vital nutrients that are reduced by stress. It leaves the body better equipped to handle the trauma stress causes. This explains why honey bee pollen consumers often report lower levels of felt stress. Its many vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids and enzymes act as a safety belt that protects the body from stress crashes.

Stress cannot be completely eliminated. In fact, it shouldn’t be. Moderate levels of stress are actually helpful and necessary. They keep the body active and strong in the same way that exercise keeps the muscles active and strong.

However, high levels of stress (which more and more people are experiencing every day) cause serious health problems. If it is not possible to reduce the stressful factors in your life — and many of us cannot — then introduce a honey bee pollen supplement. Your body will thank you.

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