Key Concepts in Healthy Eating

You are what you eat.

Everything that you are, your muscles, bones, skin, face, hands, hair, and brain, is built and maintained from the ingredients you provide your body through what you eat and drink.   The better your ingredients, the better your body works.  Have you ever noticed the difference between a fertilized bush and a non-fertilized one?  The fertilized bush grows taller, stronger, greener, and healthier.  That’s how it works with you too.

Given all that we want to accomplish and experience in our lives, we want to be at our best.  Making healthy eating a priority is just plain necessary if we want to live our lives to the fullest.

So what and how should we eat?  Below is a lightning-fast high-level overview of some ideas you’ll want to put into practice.

Oh, to be 22 again!

The first, and perhaps most important, thing you can do to improve your health is to maintain a healthy body weight.  For most of us, that means returning to the weight we were in high school.

Because we are not all the same height, healthy weight differs from person to person. So that we can all speak the same language, the Body Mass Index (BMI) was developed. While perhaps not quite as accurate as some other methods, BMI is very easy to use.   See the chart to find your height and weight and to arrive at your BMI.  A BMI between 18.5 and 25 is in the normal range.  25 – 30 is considered overweight and

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