How to Get Rid of Fine Lines and Wrinkles without surgery

Fine lines and wrinkles are an unfortunate part of aging.  Whilst every woman can learn the art of hair and makeup, skin is the one area of our appearance that we simply cannot impact with the flick of a makeup brush.

There is a secret out there, however, that many women have not yet caught onto and that secret is called Hyaluronic Acid.

Although it sounds quite scary, Hyaluronic Acid is actually a naturally occurring fatty acid in the skin and it is known as “HA” for short.  HA’s role in the skin is to deliver moisture and plump up the connective tissue.  It is often used in skin injections in the same way as botox however recently HA has been developed as an oral supplement.

The main factor in the success of HA in reducing fine lines and wrinkles in related to the matter of absorption into the body. HA can be found in creams and lotions, however it is very difficult to absorb in this way. Much like the way caffeine cannot be absorbed by spreading coffee onto the skin, so too does putting HA on the skin give a significantly lower impact than injecting it.

There are many oral forms of HA out there, however most manufacturers will try to keep their costs down by obtaining the cheapest HA on the market. The significance of this is that cheap and low cost HA will have a high molecular structure which makes it difficult to absorb. The best way to maximise absorption of HA is to choose one with the lowest molecular structure available on the market. Whilst this means that you will pay slightly more for you’re HA, it is better to pay a little extra and have a product that works rather than pay less and have no success at all.

Since HA has been available, there have been no reported negative side effects or damage caused by it’s usage, although manufacturers do say that bright sunlight should be avoided whilst taking the supplement.

As with any anti aging supplement, it is important to not rely completely on HA for getting rid of fine lines and wrinkles – but to enhance its power with a healthy, anti oxidant rich diet with plenty of cleansing water.


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