Vegetarianism has been in existence for centuries and has become more popular in recent times. The greatest argument put forward in support of vegetarianism has nothing to do with ethics or religion. It is based on economic nuances. With the human population exploding, it has been suggested that a huge amount of grains used for animal consumption, could be used to feed some of the hungriest people in the world. Of course, it goes without saying that the animals are being fed not out of love.
The vegetarians live on a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and cereals. There are lacto vegetarians who consume dairy products as well. There are ovo-lacto vegetarians who consume eggs in addition to dairy products. A vegan is a strict vegetarian who avoids eggs, dairy products and honey. Statistical evidence shows that the vegetarians are less affected by diseases like the coronary heart disease and diabetes. They also have a lower body mass index. It has also been shown that the longevity increases by 10% for the vegetarians. The risk for developing diseases like the Alzheimer’s disease is also significantly less. Having said this, a man who is sedentary and a voracious eater is going to become obese regardless of whether he is a vegetarian or not.
The fruits and vegetables which play an important role in the diets of the vegetarians are rich in fiber. The present day stress is on the inclusion of more fiber in the diet. Fiber protects against the onset of several diseases. The most important contribution of fiber has been to lower the blood cholesterol levels and this has a protective effect on the heart. Fiber also prevents constipation, piles and colon cancer. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in antioxidants like vitamin E. The antioxidants remove the harmful free radicals and protect against several diseases. The non vegetarians are not against fruits and vegetables, but the quantity of these nourishing foods would be significantly reduced when you consume meat.
The greatest drawback in vegetarian diets as portrayed has been with regard to the availability of proteins. The greatest problem is that the proteins derived from the vegetarian diets lack some of the essential amino acids. The amount of protein derived from the vegetarian diets is only slightly lower than that available from non vegetarian diets. It has been seen that using a mixture of different cereals and legumes can make good the deficiency in essential amino acids. Vegetarianism is not a deterrent for indulging in sporting or body building activities. A number of successful body builders have been vegetarians. A large number of successful sports personalities have been vegetarians. One need not become vegetarians overnight. After all, habits die hard. One can at least, try to be a vegetarian two or three times a week.