Acupuncture Treatment – Effective Cure For Hypertension

These days hectic work schedule, tension, and stress is ruining our daily life. This lifestyle has caused lots of severe mental and physical diseases, and among them one is high blood pressure also known as hypertension. It is also associated with aging, obesity, and alcoholism and so on.

The symptoms of high blood pressure include shortness of breath, nausea, headache, fatigue, restlessness and so on. Many complications can be caused by uncontrolled high blood pressure including heart stroke, metabolic syndrome, and renal failure and so on.

There are several treatment options available for high blood pressure. Medication of hypertension in long run can cause certain side effects. The latest researches in medical science have suggested numerous treatments of high blood pressure and one of the best is acupuncture. Thus one may opt natural treatments for high blood pressure.

Acupuncture an alternative medication

It is considered as a part of complimentary and alternative medicine. Over past two decades it has gain a significant popularity. It is one of the oldest methods of treatment. In human body there are nearly 2000 acupuncture-points, associated with various healing attributes. Acupuncture treatment involves insertion of extreme hair like needles to various depths at strategic points of the body.

It is an effective treatment option that can be used to treat a wide range of disorders including insomnia, headaches, joint pain, and osteoarthritis and many more. In case of high blood pressure it is one of the most effective treatments. The report of latest study states, it lowers high blood pressure by blocking beta-acceptor of sympathetic nerve and stimulating adrenaline-angiotensin system. It together with electric stimulation known as electro-acupuncture, and is used to treat high blood pressure.

The treatment involves insertion of sharp, fine needles into the trigger points of the body including legs, wrists and arms. In electro acupuncture treatment method low frequency electric current is allowed to pass through needles. And these needles are connected to a device where there is constant flow of electric pulses. Many needles are applied on the body that helps to stimulate certain chemical in the brain. These chemicals help in reducing excitatory responses of the cardiovascular system. Which in turn reduces the heart activity and oxygen requirement and it significantly lowers the high blood pressure.

In acupuncture treatment exercise program, needles should be applied maximum for 30 minutes. In its natural treatment of hypertension, skin is pressed in between the index finger and thumb on your back. For treating high blood pressure, this method along with certain herbs is usually recommended. These herbs include Shan Zha, Tian Ma and Xia Ku Cao and can be consumed in the form of powders, herbal teas, or supplements.

The treatment is effective in regulating over all body function, as a result it lower blood pressure to normal level. It also helps in reducing stress and calms down the mind which in turn lowers high blood pressure. So it is a safe and effective method to reduce the symptoms and prevent the life threatening complication of hypertension.

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