The All about of Health Tips

Today when we hear a lot of people dieing of heart attack in a very early age, we feel alarmed. Doctors and scientists are busy researching on the diseases and their causes. But the situation it seems is getting from bad to worse. Kids at the age of mere six months are getting diabetic .Paralysis attacks in one’s twenties and thirties , all these are few to count
On the other side when we look back to hundreds and thousands of years, we feel that our ancestors were much more healthy than us and even lived upto 100 years and sometimes even more .There are lots of reasons behind this .People those days were much more active than today. Their food habits included nutrition, fibre, roughage etc; in their meals. Even the crops and vegetables grown were organic. The use of tea and beverages were not there. There are a lot of reasons but I would like to compare and try to fight with only these three main reasons in my article.

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The first and foremost thing is the style of living .Now-a-days almost two third of our society has to work more than 12 hours and that too sitting in an office. Sitting in one position for such a long time generates a lot of health problems, including obesity which itself is a home of diseases. But one can deal with this problem with some effort and consistency. We have heard about a proverb, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” So start taking rest early at night parting with parties, alcohol, late night T V shows and so on .Then you will automatically get up early in the morning .Yoga and pranayams (physical and spiritual excercises)done in the morning are very beneficial.Yoga-asans keep you fit and the pranayams help you generate the immune system and make you strong from within to fight with the virus and diseases. Even if you have any health problem you can do the pranayams without injuring yourself. There are so many examples of people feeling better getting cured from diseases like diabeties , blood pressure etc. But the most important thing in this is “do and achieve” i.e;you have to be consistent and also have full faith in the ancient therapy .
The second point that I would like to include is about the right food habits. People now-a-days have less time to cook and even lesser time to eat. They have slowly shifted their likes for junk food to their daily intake. This fast food mania is engulfing people like a python and after this they cannot see anything. All the fast food are injurious to health. They affect our digestive system and then even if we take nutritious food, the nutrition does not get absorbed as the wall of the intestine becomes smooth and the absorbing capacity lessens depending upon the quality and regularity of the fast food. One thing that is again even more dangerous is the fascination of young people for soft drinks. They can be compared to sweet poison. When they enter the body they start affecting the whole system internally. If taken regularly they generate a lot of health problems. So giving attention to nutritious food and stress on eliminating the fast food and soft drinks from our daily habits will help a lot to keep us healthy. Green vegetables either cooked or taken raw (some of them) are very healthy. Even the juice of some vegetables like guard, bitter guard, tomato, cucumber etc; are helpful to eradicate many diseases that are meant by doctors as lifelong and incurable.
The last but not the least point to take into consideration is that the food grown now-a-days should shift to organic farming. Organic farming is the process of growing grains or vegetables in natural way and not using any pesticides or if used they too must be natural. There are some plants that seem to be useless but some of them give out useful gases which help in growth of the plants. Some of them clear away the dangerous insects which otherwise eat away the crops. This is become important these days because the pesticides and the plant boosters used now-a-days, get deeper into the crop and vegetables and they don’t get washed up even by water. So they enter into our body and harm from within.
So the main purpose of my article is to how to remain fit and healthy. To summarize the whole, one should include yoga and pranayams to their lifestyle, shift to nutritious and organic food and try to stay away from fast food and soft drinks. This seems to be a difficult task but if these habits are included gradually in our lifestyle they will benefit us a lot in the long run. The whole world will become healthy and everyone free of diseases. The only thing we have to do is to regularize our daily routine, add some good habits and start eating right food. The combination of these three habits will definitely improve the health of people today. 

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