Natural Anti-Aging: Top 9 Ways Of Looking Younger

Natural Anti-Aging: Top 9 Ways Of Looking Younger

1. Always use sunscreen!.

Sun exposure is the number one cause of premature wrinkles. If you must be out in the sun, wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Tanning beds have also been proven to cause cancer and wrinkle your skin.

2. Feed your skin with youth promoting vitamins.

Some vitamins will help to give you younger looking skin. Vitamin C helps to fight against wrinkles and fine lines by producing collagen. Vitamin E helps the skin look younger by protecting it from UV rays. You can knock years off your age by simply changing your diet: eating more fresh fruit and vegetable or taking formulated antioxidants like vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 to supplement the amount that is naturally present in the skin cells.

3. Take regular exercise.

Keeping fit and active with regular physical fitness exercises will do wonders for your health as well as making you look and feel better. As you grow older it will help you to stay young looking and you will feel great for it.  At the same time, exercise can keep you healthy and loose weight.

4. Grow Strong Healthy Fingernails.

When attempting to look younger, many women forget their hands; aging hands can ruin the overall effect of your youthful looks. Keep a bottle of hand and nail cream next to every tap and basin in your house and use it after every time your hands come into contact with water.

5. Don’t smoke

Smoking is the second leading cause of premature wrinkles. It upsets the body’s mechanism for breaking down old skin and renewing it.

6. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily.

Water flushes waste out of our system and keeps the skin hydrated, acting as an internal moisturizer.

7. Limit your sugar intake

Sugar acts as an oxidant, having the opposite effect of an anti-oxidant. It does not promote healthy body weight or healthy skin. Sugar also causes the body to release more insulin, increasing the risk of diabetes.

8. Minimize alcohol consumption.

Alcohol dehydrates the skin, depleting it of moisture. It can also cause broken or distended capillaries on the nose and face.

9. Get a good pair of sunglasses–and wear them

Wear sunglasses so you don’t squint in the bright light. If you don’t squint as much, you’ll help prevent crow’s feet and forehead lines

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