Healthy foods/healthy recipes

Healthy recipes and super foods introduction

Eating healthy has become one of the most wondered and questioned topics these days. With all the bodybuilding magazines and health experts and fitness gurus it’s hard to separate the gold from the crap. Many so called diets out their are so unhealthy (not to mention BORING) and not help with your weight loss that it’s no wonder people are having all the diseases and weight problems their having. Think about it this. Throughout human history we NEVER had all the grains, soy (both are unhealthy) and junk food with the little need to move anything but our fingers that today’s modern man has today. Our ancestors had only a few choices. Meat maybe a fruit or a tree nut then… You guessed it MORE meat! The biggest difference is that NONE of the food then was processed like in today’s society and it was all natural and grown right and contains one of the most important acids you body needs. It’s called Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) and is very important in your fitness goals. Meat came from grass fed animals that the hunters caught and the rest came from nuts fruits or MAYBE a few veggies from PROPERLY taken care of ground. I’m going to go into more on all this in a minute but before we begin I want to clear up a few lies real quick. First dieting is NOT the best way to look good or lose weight! another one is that food needs to be processed and be altered. Again another no if that was the case we wouldn’t be here right now! It’s said today how little it is known about eating right and building muscle and weight loss. With that said lets dive right into it!

Grass fed meat vs. Store bought meat

First off meat is a MUST for fitness! The difference between the two are what separates healthy people form unhealthy people. Store bought meat comes from grain fed animals that are poorly taken care of and not raised right. If your lucky enough to have access to a local store that sells meat from animals ONLY fed grass or it’s natural diet all year around then you would benefit paying the few extra dimes for it! Grass fed is not only healthier in EVERY single way but it also TASTES a lot better!!! You can mix and match the huge variety of meat with any kind or mixture of veggies and fruits you like. Don’t be afraid to experiment, but a  great new program for healthy recipes I found has plenty of healthy meals and information you can use. You can check it out here. It’s called the metabolic cooking program and has hundreds of healthy recipes and meals packed in it.  By making just this one change (assuming if your eating enough meat in the first place) you’ll not only get a leaner body but you’ll feel better while having tastier food! Sorry vegetarians but humans are carnivores and NEED meat so drop the boring salads and lettuce leaves with NO complete proteins (other than beans of course) or really many significant health benefits. For those of you that do not have any healthy meats close you click the image below and have access to many different cuts and varieties of not only meats but other foods as well. They ship anywhere in the 50 states of the U.S. as of right now and have very competitive prices with store prices. All are 100% natural and grown right. Best of all (other than being the cheapest on the internet!) their is only a shipping and handling charge of 7.50$ for the ENTIRE order! that’s right one charge of 7.50$ no matter how much you buy. Click the image below to check out the site. Now with that said we can move on to our next healthy food.



Tree Nuts

Their are many different varieties and choices when it comes to tree nuts. All of them are healthy for you (the fat in them are HEALTHY fats!) and will not cause weight gain like many people believe. Their great for a quick snack or if you want something to hold you over when you go to bed these tasty foods have you covered. They pack a nutritional punch that can keep you full and satisfied. You can find them on the site above for the best but if store bought is the only option then avoid the roasted and just buy it as LEAST processed as possible. Snacking on these with some fruits and you’ll have you a great on the go snack! Which brings me to my next super food.


Their are many healthy fruits out their. Buying them in season (or a place to ship to you where their in season) will help you get into better shape while making your meals fun healthy and tasty. The best I’ve found so far (nutritionally) is the rare exotic wolf berry (Also known as the goji berry). It’s the healthiest fruit in the world and is a super food in it’s self. You probably will not find it in your local store but can be found online. If you can not find them then apples grapes or any other fruit will be great still. Never buy the fruit juices (except maybe orange juice and only if it’s truthfully natural!). The reason being is that most juices are loaded with sugar (most not even containing the fruit they claim just a little bit of the taste) and other preservatives. Buy a variety of them and keep stocked up to give your sweet tooth a filling.

Vegetables Herbs and Spices

Spices herbs and veggies add texture and taste to your meals and can keep your meals fresh and exciting! They do provide a few health benefits (always wash store bought veggies thoroughly), but I’ve found their greatest asset is adding variety to your recipe book. Always stay stocked up on these so you can always have a great selection to choose from. Again experiment with these and have fun which brings us to our last healthy super food I am going to talk about.


Dairy is another great and healthy choice for your meal plan if it is coming from an animal that is raised right. I would not suggest eating or drinking ANY store bought dairy products simply because it is heavily processed! Despite popular belief raw milk (not homogenized or pasteurized) and raw cheese is not only safe to it, but it is very healthy as well! The same goes for any other dairy product out their as long as it’s grass fed then it will help get you in shape. Since were on the topic no eggs are NOT diary. They are a meat actually (just lacks the texture and look of most meats), and the cholesterol in it is HDL (high density lipoprotien) which is the HEALTHY cholesterol as opposed to the LDL (low density lipoprotein) also known as the BAD cholesterol. So eggs are great for you to, but back on to foods that ARE dairy. You can find them on the site above but if your wanting the raw milk you’ll just have to be one of the lucky ones that has a store that sells. Sorry but I haven’t found a place that ships raw grass fed milk yet, but maybe someday!

In closing I hope this article has helped you get a better idea about healthy foods and healthy recipes. If you have any questions about nutrition or anything else about your health you can contact me directly by signing up for my  fitness newsletter for free. You will also receive free advice from working out to weight loss to even more on eating right. You can sign up for free by clicking here (be sure to sign up to the one on that page as that’s the one for my fitness newsletter). If you liked this article and think it would help someone else then feel free to share it or the links I’ve provided to your friends and family.

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