The healing power of lavender

Since ancient times Lavender (Lavandula) considered one of the most famous medicinal plants. Currently, this plant is well studied. Was found about 200 different bioactive substances, in the lavender oil but the main component of lavender oil is linalool and its esters. 
Lavender (Lavandula) – only decorative aromatic evergreen shrub. Genus of plants of the family Labiatae (Lamiaceae, or Labiatae). Includes about 25-30 species of lavender. It grows in the Canary Islands in the northern and eastern Africa, southern Europe, Arabia and India. Cultural forms are grown in gardens worldwide. 
Narrow leaves of lavender – have beautiful silver color. Spikelets lavender flowers are very attractive to bees and butterflies are purple, lilac, pink, blue and white. Once seen lavender at the peak of its bloom and felt her cold exquisite aromafalling in love with this plant forever. 

Were cultured Lavandula latifolia and Lavandula officinalis. Both types contain the flowers fragrant essential oil. 
Broad-leaved lavender is more thermophilic. a lot of lavender is grown in southern France for lavender oil, which is used in medicine, veterinary medicine, perfume, and to obtain a special varnish to be applied in of painting china.Lavender officinalis contains a little of essential oil, but the flavor is thinner, and it is considered more healthful. this specie is resistant for cold and is more common in the temperate zone. Lavender essential oil is used for flavors of the best varieties of soaps, lotions, colognes, shampoos, as well as alcohol tinctures are used as an antiseptic in medicine. French haute cuisine includes spicy bouquets to the table binding a sprig of lavenderLavender officinalis was described in the XIII century and until the XIX century it was cultivated as a medicinal plant in the monastery and princely gardens, as well as a modest urban gardens. In countries where old traditions are preserved, lavender, and now takes pride of place. Its dried flowers with petals of roses and jasmine are added to some of the “flower” of teas. The same mixture is filled special vessels. In winter, set in a warm place, they spread in the room the smell of summer. 
Lavender calms the nervous system, helps to restore power after the emotional overload, eliminates mood swings, pacifies the anger and promotes mental clarity. Sleep disorders pour 200 grams of dried lavender flowers in a small linen bag, and sew it. Before going to bed put a bag near the pillow. 
In folk medicine lavender tea has long been used as a remedy for spasms of the digestive tract (colic). When spasm in the stomach pour 1 teaspoon of lavender flowers cup boiling water. Infuse for 5 minutes, drain. Every day, take 2 cups of infusion.

Against fatigue 50 grams of lavender flowers to fill in 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave in water bath for 10 minutes. Allow to cool and filter. The broth add the bath water temperature 36-38 degrees. This procedure is taken at bedtime, it should not exceed 20 minutes. Immediately after the bath to go to bed
When coughing take 2 drops of lavender oil and add 1 teaspoon of honey. When ingestion of a mixture reduces the symptoms of inflammation in the bronchi. 
Cause of hair loss is often inflamation of scaly scalp. Bactericidal effect of the plant contributes to the healing process. 
Drying lavender flowers. Tie lavender flowers in bunches and hanging them on the cord at a sufficient distance from each other flowers down in a dry place. During the drying process does not iterate over the beams to avoid evaporation of scent. After drying, carefully remove the flowers from the stalk and a handful of flowers on a plate, flavored with a few drops of lavender oil. Then shift the lavender in the linen bag 20×20 cm 
Together with the leaves of lavender flowers are used for flavoring baths, they are placed in tissue sacs in the linen closet to make things pleasant smell, and to protect from moths. Can be applied to insect bites: 2 drops of lavender oil, one by one drop on the bite. Before you apply lavender, allergies should conduct the following test, apply a little lavender oil on the inside of the elbow. If there is no redness, it means that everything is ok.

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