Vitamin Supplements That Help Memory Improvement

As we age, the capability of recalling as well as memory use tends to dwindle or else to become less focused. We find it harder to remember names, words, places, or even plans – vital things which we once found easy to bring to the surface. As a matter of fact, almost one out of every six people over the age of seventy report similar form of minor problem with memory.

Approximately half of those individuals go on to develop even more severe cases of memory loss. Recent research have shown that a vitamin supplement that can help not only with problems of daily memory use, but to fight dementia and even Alzheimer’s disease, is the use of certain B vitamins.

Homocysteine are the higher level of amino acids in the blood that are associated with the risks of developing the Alzheimer’s disease. B6 and B12 vitamin supplements, and even folic acid, have been found in order to help reduce the levels of this amino acid in the blood and thereby probably serve as a measure to prevent brain atrophy or the shrinking of the brain which is a cause of dementia. B12 is found only in meat, eggs and dairy products and is important for the creation of red blood cells, that carry oxygen in the bloodstream.

A deficiency of B12 can cause anaemia because tissues are not getting enough oxygen. When there’s not enough oxygen in the brain, which can lead not only to dementia, but also mood disturbance as well as possibly psychosis. Alternatively, extreme use of B12 has been known in some cases to cause damage to the nervous system.

While recent studies on the effectiveness of a B vitamin supplement shows promise, one might just want to use prudence and even caution when going to buy vitamins on-line. There is no conclusive evidence which vitamin B slows the deterioration process of Alzheimer’s or actually improves memory. However, using it as an elderly person or vegetarian (B12 comes solely from animal products) might just be an important factor in determining your overall health.

Other claims to memory improvement comprise of the herbal supplement GinkoBiloba for blood circulation, memory and alertness; Hawthorn for oxygen and nutrient transport to the brain; Gotu Kola for retention and even performance; Bacopin for concentration; Rosemary for memory improvement and concentration; Schisandra for well-being and awareness and others. A balance of these herbal supplements might not ultimately prevent dementia in aging, but might work to slow it or avoid it’s onset, and contributing to daily mental health and well-being.

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