Cooking with Oils For Diet

When we are thinking about the eating healthy foods, cooking is an issue that must be ensured. If anyone thinking about the improvement of health, he or she must be sure about the cooking procedure of foods and all the elements which are using in cooking. How you can make your food healthy it most of the time depends on the cooking. Using oil in cooking is an important thing and must be we judged before use. We must be sure about the quality and quantity of oil that is using in our cooking.

From the very beginning of the civilization human being had been used many types of oil in food. It differs from place to place and depends on the tradition and availability. In case of health issue you must consider the best one for yours. There are many kind of oil belongs from different sources in your hands, but you have to choose the right one. We also use the butter products in our cooking. But it is very difficult to find out the right one. This article may help you out from this matter of right oil or butter choice. There are some common types of oil and butte which are usually used in cooking. If you have the information about that, it will be easy for you to pick the right one.

1.       Canola oil:

Canola oil is the kind which usually uses in cooking. So, you have to know well about the Canola oil. According to the statement of many physician it is good for healthy, as it reduces the probability of heart disease. As we know the unsaturated fat is good for our health and increased amount saturated fat is bad for health. Canola oil contains low saturated fatty acid, so it can be considered as health friendly oil. Canola oil contains a good composition of fatty acid and it is really good to use with comparing to the other oils in cooking.

You can use the canola oil in all types of preparation of cooking and it doesn’t interfere with the real taste of foods. It makes a great smell and taste of food .you can use the canola oil in low to high heat cooking, though it has not much effect on the ingredients of the canola oil.


2.       Olive oil:

Another popular kind of cooking oil is olive oil. Olive oil is best for the cardiac patient, as it reduce the risk of high cholesterol. It is rich in many healthy elements like mono- unsaturated fatty acids and has a low amount of saturated fatty acids. Olive oil reduces the chance of cancer also as it contains antioxidants. You can use it in cooking, though it is healthier when uncooked. So you can use the olive oil in uncooked food preparation. It is better to use olive oil at the low to moderate amount of heat to avoid the loss of ingredients of olive oil. High heat cooking with olive oil is not a good idea.

So use olive oil to keep your body fit and reduces the chances the heart diseases or cancer. Remember; just avoid the use of olive oil in high heat cooking.


3.       Butter:

For many years the butter has been using in cooking. Butter has a good taste and it is also a good source of vitamins, like vitamin A and other the fat soluble vitamins- vitamin E, vitamin K and vitamin D. Butter comes from natural sources not from any artificial or chemical processes. You can use butter in different type of food preparations as with baking or as a spread beside with cooking also. It is delicious to use the butter with creamy sauces in making sandwich or any other preparation like that.

Butter is tasty ingredient of food also. So, butter is a good choice for you in different snacks preparations like burger, pizza etc.

4.       Margarine:

As an alternative to the butter the margarine was introduced. Margarine tastes well with cooking. Margarine has fewer amounts of fats then other oil and butter. It is a good source of vitamin D also .in many types of food products we find Margarine. When as an alternative to the high fat of butter margarine was introduced in food product preparation. But it was a loaded with Trans fat. As we know Trans fat is a substance that increases the cholesterol level of the body.

Margarine is a good choice of element with your cooking because of its nutrition values.


When you are thinking about eating healthy diets, cooking healthy is one of the main conditions that you have to consider. There are many other types of oils and butter products that are not mentioned above .So, you have to consider the process of food preparation and the nutrition that we get from the oil and butter beside the tradition and availability. When you are cooking foods, you have to remember always that healthy oil is a key to healthy food preparation.

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