Why a few detox days can give a boost to your performance on the film set

What is detox – and why could it be important for you?

Detox” means doing something to get rid of the toxins in your body which have been stored in your organs and tissues.

Some toxins can be detected obviously, such as substances in colours, pesticides and cleansing substances and, of course, you would not consume it. Others are not that toxic as pesticides, but they can do harm in the long run when they are stored in the body, such as food additives. The more toxins are stored in your body, the more sluggish your metabolism gets, and basically you clean and activate your body and metabolism with „detox” days. Just think about it: if you are more active and dynamic, this will make a big difference to your performance on the set!

Your daily exposure to toxins

Toxins enter the body through different kind of ways:

  • unhealthy or low quality food – high in fat, sugar or salt, such as fast food, cheap snacks and drinks. Also low quality fruits and vegetables contain lots of toxins, because the fruits are mostly contaminated with lots of pesticides and chemicals which have been used to remove insects
  • cigarette smoke – even if you are not an active smoker, your lungs inhale the smoke of the person beside you
  • heavy drinking – regular alcohol intake brings a lot of toxins into your body
  • coffee consumation – regular coffee intake in high amounts makes your own metabolism lazy because it is always kicked by caffeine. There are other convenience energy drinks which are mixed with lots of preservatives, colourings and flavorings which are no good for your body
  • stress – if you have lots of stress, your body produces more free radicals, which are toxic to your body
  • environment – you walk on the street, and inhalte the emissions of cars, you drink tap water and with it some unwanted ingredients· more

As you see, the daily exposure to different toxins is quiet high and various and it is worth to think about, how you can support your body to get rid of them from time to time. Actually it is recommended to do some detox days several times a year to make sure your body does not get overtoxicated.


What happens if your body gets overtoxicated?

If there are too many substances in your body which are toxic or unuseful for your body, this will affect your immune defence system, your metabolism, your shape, your concentration and your well-being. If you do not act, in the long run you may face a higher risk in heart and aterial disease, cancer, diabetes, premature ageing and more degenerative disorders.

How to start your detox days

The detox process is very individual because everyone has a different body, metabolism and habits. If you are considering to pursue a detox programm and you do not have experience with it, make sure you get a good book and/or consult your doctor. Guidance definitely helps if you are doing it the first time.

In general what you would do is reducing the intake of toxic substances for a certain time, this can be a weekend, a week or even a 3-week program. There are different ways to do it, and, again, it depends on your experience and your lifestyle how you would organize a detox programm. If you cut e.g. your coffee intake from one to the other day, it can get you a major headache, and obviously if you are used to smoke for years it will be hard to cut it down to zero in one day. The key with  this kind of habits is that you would cut down gradually and preferably let you guide by a coach.

Cleaning up your food intake is one of the main tasks in a detox programm. Switching your food choices to organic food and following a food as well as, in best case, an exercise regimen. You will eat as natural as possible and support the cleaning process with different herbs. With great food choices you support your body in cleaning your liver, kidneys, skin, gut and lungs.

If you are not into sport you have to know that cleaning up your system also works with a focus on your food. Nevertheless, the detox program is always more effective in combination with sports, because your metabolism gets more active and you reduce stress much better.


Last but not least: the results of a well organized detox program


  • With detox you clean up your body and take care that you stay healthy
  • You get more active and conscious
  • You reduce weight
  • You increase your energy level


Now, it is your choice – with a more healthy lifestyle and a few detox days from time to time you will be much more effective on the film set. What are you waiting for?

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