All About Narcolepsy

One of the most misunderstood sleep disorders, people suffering from narcolepsy experience overwhelming desires to sleep during the day. It can be a dangerous condition, because the narcoleptic might fall asleep while driving or operating a potentially dangerous machine.

Narcolepsy is caused by a brain dysfunction: a lack of receptors for hypocretin (a neurotoxin responsible for regulating sleep and waking – the body clock). No one knows how or why this dysfunction occurs.

If you have narcolepsy, you may suddenly fall asleep during the day, no matter what you’re doing. You might be talking to someone, then fall asleep mid-sentence. Narcoleptics often experience vivid hallucinations upon falling asleep.

They also commonly experience sleep paralysis. During REM sleep (when we dream), our body paralyses itself so we don’t act out our dreams. However, in sleep paralysis, this mechanism doesn’t shut off when you wake up, so you find yourself awake but unable to move.

Narcoleptics might also suddenly lose muscle tone when surprised or upset (causing them to collapse).

Narcolepsy runs in the family and most commonly occurs during young childhood. Many Narcoleptic children never have an episode in their adult life.

While it’s impossible to cure Narcolepsy, it can be effectively treated. The first step is correct diagnosis – as many early symptoms of narcolepsy are similar to other common sleep disorders. If you think you might have Narcolepsy, see your doctor, who will recommend you to a local sleep disorder clinic.

Herbal sleep remedies have proven beneficial in helping narcoleptics. Behavioural changes such as cutting out caffeine, nicotine and alcohol (especially in the evening), and exercising regularly help to fight the onset of narcolepsy. You can also schedule short naps or one long nap (20-40 minutes) during the day. This might help keep your narcolepsy in check.

No one is quite sure how Narcolepsy occurs and how to cure it completely. If you or someone you know suffers from Narcolepsy, it’s important you take proper safety precautions and have a plan in case an episode occurs in a dangerous place. Even though Narcolepsy can’t be completely cured, proper management will ensure a happy, healthy life.

For more information about sleep problems and insomnia cures you can visit the Sleep and Insomnia Guide

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