Things to do to stop snoring

New study links high blood pressure to a sleep disorder. Do you snore? Do you sometimes suffer breathless sensation even if you are not dreaming or worse having a nightmare? Take care; snoring seems harmless but it can be considered as potentially dangerous sleep disorder medically termed as sleep apnea (absence of breath). Sleep apnea occur when a person stops breathing as often as 15 times an hour during the night, apparently increases the risk of high blood pressure.

Those who snore have airways that close down at least five times every night, this result in cessation of breathing for at least 10 seconds. They wake up briefly, breath normally again and promptly fall back to sleep. Imagine this cycle of oxygen deprivation puts on the heart. No wonder it is linked to increased risk for accidents due to sleepiness and higher rates of heart disease.

The good news is there are available tips that can help you fall into a pattern of restful sleep without snoring. Stop snoring as early as today to conserve health because prevention is always better than cure.

Before asking ways on how to stop snoring, you should know first what caused it? There are a lot of factors that caused it which are categorized into three; the natural caused which include aging, gender and deformities and the second cause which accounts for the largest number of people who snores in lifestyle and medication.

After knowing these cause and you start to ask yourself on how do I stop snoring? You will find a lot of resources online but the safest things to do are those that you can do at home as follows.

Lose weight. When you lose weight the fat deposition around your neck reduces. Then the airway becomes free. You can lose weight by various means such as exercise. Try one that suits you.

Stop smoking. Chemical in cigarettes causes nasal congestion. It also causes mucous deposition at the throat and spasm of the throat muscles. All these makes nose breathing compromised. So avoid smoking. Avoid both active and second hand smoking.

Reduce alcohol. Alcohol relaxes your muscles. It also relaxes the neck muscles which causes blocking of the airway. So avoid alcohol or atleast reduce it and do not take alcohol just before bed.

Sleep position. Improve your sleeping position. Sleeping on the back causes Snoring problem for many. Sleep on your side to avoid Snoring. You can also raise the head of your bed 30 to 45 degrees to prevent obstruction and ease breathing.

Diet. Reduce fatty foods, fatty milk products. Increase vegetable intake. Ask an expert for a customized diet chart for you. A balance diet will help you in losing weight as well.

The bottom-line, stopping snoring is more of a self- help job. Snoring is often a result of the lifestyle you have. If you alter them little bit, you can cure your snoring problem. Do not forget to visit a physician if your snore gets louder or you have difficulty in breathing.

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