Day Time Sleeping and Tips to Overcome the Problem

Most day time sleeping sufferers experience grogginess from the very time they get up and they always have this feeling that the full cycle of sleep hasn’t been completed. They carry this mindset workplace where it then results in lethargy and disinterest towards the job. The lack of effort being displayed can often leads to employers chastising such employees who apart from sleeping issues now have to shoulder another new crisis in work efficiency. Therefore having identified the problem, it is necessary that one take adequate measures in order to overcome it at the earliest. This article enlists a few tips to successfully overcome day time sleeping syndrome.


The first step towards eradicating day time sleeping is to identify the cause leading to it. In most cases, day time sleeping results from lack of sleep during the night. However the problem can also be seen in people who tend to sleep excessively, that is above 9 hours in a day. The solution to the latter is much easier, try bringing your sleeping hours down to 8 gradually but take care to not do it in one shot. The former however is slightly complex and for this you should adopt a different approach.


Keep your worries aside while going to sleep – The problem with most people is that they take their problems along to bed while going to sleep. As one is idle in the couch, often thoughts tend to flood through and before one knows it, it can play havoc with your sleep process with thoughts refusing to leave your mind. Therefore it is best to go to bed with a clean slate. Don’t watch movies or play video games before going to sleep because the flashbacks of these tend to remain in your mind and often also form a part of your dreams which may then abrupt the sleep process. Sleeping at a place where you are well away from sights and sounds too may help.

Always stay active – A desk job doesn’t require a person to flex his muscles and sitting idle for long periods of time can be monotonous for the body which may then switch off resulting in sleepiness. Therefore after working for an ‘x’ amount of time, relax and stretch your body or else take a stroll around the office if you feel like sleep closing in on you. Drinking coffee too is recommended as it contains caffeine which is known to act as a stimulant.

Do not consume a heavy lunch – Heavy lunches require your body to work harder so as to digest it and as a result other body organs slow down resulting in you feeling sleepy. Thus heavy lunch is a strict no-no if you suffer from sleeps related disorders.

Inculcate a good diet plan – Inculcating a good diet plan is essential because our food choices greatly impact our energy reserves. Foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates, especially fruits should be included in one’s food as these contain nutrients from which the body derives energy to overcome tiredness and sustain its activities.

If these still don’t work then it is best to consult a doctor who will be able to properly diagnose your sleep disorder because many of these can also be hereditary in nature.


Always remember that an active and stress free lifestyle is the best way to encounter sleep related problems. Preparing and sticking a schedule wherein one doesn’t have to compromise on sleep too is vital if one has to overcome this hurdle successfully.

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