Three Great Ways to Help Yourself Fall Asleep

We’ve all been there. It’s past midnight, you’re lying in bed, the room is dark, you’ve had a long and exhausting day, but you still can’t sleep. You know that you have to be up in seven hours, that you need every minute you can get, but still you fight to drop off, your mind spinning, your eyes wide open, sleep as far away from you as can be. How can you prevent this? How can we take control of our lives so that we can crash and go to sleep at the right time? Here are three great tips to help you find the best way to the land of slumber and golden dreams, so read on, and we hope they work for you!

The first trick is going to be an inconvenience: turn off all your electronics at least thirty minutes before bed. You may find it soothing and enjoyable to write emails or watch movies right before turning off the  lights, but that kind of stimulation can keep you awake for long periods of time. The amount of light that they radiate will stimulate your brain and prevent it from releasing melatonin, the hormone needed for drowsiness. Instead, try reading a book in dim light.

Here’s a piece of advice that is often overlooked: try wearing socks to bed. Often people with poor circulation will find that they have cold feet in bed, and that they are unable to drop off properly as a result. Wondering why? The coldness prevents good circulation, and can result in your feeling slightly tense or alert. A great pair of warm socks can thus improve your circulation by helping your feet stay warm and keeping the blood flowing nicely throughout your entire body. Plus it feels great to have warm feet.

Finally, try to restrict having large or spicy meals before bed. If you eat a huge meal your digistive system will be working overtime to digest the food, and that activity in your stomach will keep you awake. Dinner should be a lighter meal, and you should avoid excessive alcohol drinking too, as the alcohol, while it may make you sleepy, will prevent you from getting good sleep due to its disrupting your REM patterns later on. A light meal will allow you to slip off into sleep and attain the rest you need because your entire body will be able to relax.


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