Enzymes – Tiny Substances – Huge Benefits

Over the past 50 years or so, science has been able to unlock the mystery of enzymes and has applied their knowledge to make better use of these amazing substances in an ever growing number of applications.  One of the key benefits of enzymes is in the sphere of human health care.

The human body and its trillion cells use and depend upon thousands of metabolic enzymes for their energy factor and to carry out numberless biochemical processes.  Metabolic enzymes act as the workhorses of the body because they also regulate and control each and every process that keeps the body functioning harmoniously.

As a consequence, their therapeutic applications are varied and far-reaching, from the treatment of chronic pancreatitis to the lysis (the disintegration or dissolution of cells such as blood cells or bacteria) of blood clots especially for treating cardiovascular diseases.

Germany is the country that has performed most of the pioneering work in the field of Enzyme Therapy.   Hans Nieper, Dr. Max Wolf and Dr. Benitez succeeded in showing that mixtures of enzymes had a positive effect in reducing swelling and inflammation; enhancing immune function; improving circulation; reducing pain; strengthening connective tissue; speeding recovery from traumatic injury; minimizing scar formation; preventing complications after injury and also found them to be useful in the management of rheumatic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, soft tissue rheumatism and ankylosing spondylitis.

In recent years, certain proteolytic enzymes such as serratopeptase and nattokinase have been employed for their fibrinolysis properties because they possess the ability to emulsify and digest arterial plaque.  Others like bromelain and papain have shown mucolytic activity and have been found to be helpful in treating respiratory tract diseases such as sinusitis and bronchitis.  Yet others have an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to decrease swelling, capillary permeability and reducing blood viscosity by dissolving blood-clot forming fibrin deposits and micro-thrombi thereby improving oxygen and nutrient transport and circulation.

Proteolytic enzymes act as a natural anti-inflammatory and have also demonstrated the ability to break down plasma proteins and cellular debris into smaller fragments at the site of an injury helping their dispersal through the lymphatic system.  This is turn relieves swelling, pain and discomfort.  Because of their healing properties they have been found to be excellent therapeutic agents for minor musculoskeletal injuries and for accelerating recovery in sports injuries, surgery and burns.

Proteolytic enzymes are useful in the fight against bacterial and fungal infections.  When it comes to fighting viruses – enzymes attack and dissolve the isoprin bonds – the exterior protein shell coating of the virus, rendering it useless.  And last but not least, enzymes modulate immune function by enhancing the production of cytokines, increasing the phagocytic activity of macrophages and facilitating the break-up of circulating immune complexes which are the major causes of auto-immune diseases such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Enzymes target a diverse range of ailments, are 100% natural and offer noticeable and rapid health benefits.


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