Simple Anti Snoring Remedies

Many people get relief from snoring with simple devices or remedies that they either have at home or can get easily without having to go to a lot of expense. Sometimes these simple solutions work well or at least alleviate the problem to some degree.

One easy step is to get a special neck support pillow that will keep your neck and head raised and extended. This in turn pulls the hyoid bone forward so there is a normal flow in the respiratory track thus reducing snoring. When your head and neck are not supported, your tongue will slip backwards into your throat passage thereby narrowing it and causing snoring.

Sleeping on your side should alleviate some of the snoring so some people use pillows wedged behind them to keep them on their side or you can attach tennis balls or other devices to their pajama backs by sewing them on to deter them from sleeping on their backs.

An inexpensive chin strap device can be effective if you get one that has an adjustable strap. With its cup-like shape it is worn around the chin and the head it will keep the mouth closed thereby reducing the dryness in the mouth and with the free breathing there is a reduction in the snoring. It should be tried out initially during the day to get used to it. If there are any signs of nasal allergic congestion it should not be used until those symptoms are eliminated as you will need to be able to breathe through your nose.

Ear plugs are often used by those who have to sleep with a person who snores to reduce the sounds of the snoring while sometimes the person who snores wears them as well. You can also get some that play sounds of nature that will replace the sounds of the snores. Often if it is used on the person who snores, it relaxes them to the point where their snoring is reduced or even eliminated.




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