Questions Answers About Sleep

” Do Sleep Medications Work?  Yes, they do but at a cost.  Most sleep medications result in a greater amount of light sleep (stages I and II) at the expense of deep sleep (stages III and IV).  Also, most sleep medications cause a reduction or loss of Dream Sleep (REM).  You need all five satges to feel rested in the morning.  A lot of stages I and II is really not enough and you will feel it the next day – fatigue, irritability and poor mental function.”


Do Sleep Medications Work?


Yes, they do but at a cost.  Most sleep medications result in a greater amount of light sleep (stages I and II) at the expense of deep sleep (stages III and IV).  Also, most sleep medications cause a reduction or loss of Dream Sleep (REM).  You need all five satges to feel rested in the morning.  A lot of stages I and II is really not enough and you will feel it the next day – fatigue, irritability and poor mental function.


Why Did You Develop Zenbev?


I wanted to get back to basics.  When we fall asleep in a natural fashion our brains use the amino acid tryptophan to produce melatonin, all night long which, in turn, promotes a healthy sleep all night as well.


A needed two things to make a healthy solution to promote healthy, natural sleep: One, the best source of natural tryptophan; and two, a small amount of the right carbohydrate to allow tryptophan into the brain.


The solution is found in Zenbev (see and RestBites ( .  We use natural organic pumpkin seeds grown by the Hay River in Wisconsin which is the perfect environment to produce the highest source of tryptophan, natural and all organic. Next we take these pumpkin seeds and very slowly press the oil out – the slower the better since pressing too fast will burn the seed meal and ruin the nutrients.  From the deoiled seed meal we double mill the flour to have a very fine tasty powder.


The carbohydrate comes from dextrose and agave nectar.  We need only a small amount of these carbohydrates to allow the tryptophan into the brain.  Finally we add natural source of B-vitamins to ensue the best metabolism of tryptophan.


The results are all natural products that promote healthy sleep in a natural way.


The science behind the products is clinically proven and published in the respected journals, Nutritional Neuroscience and the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology.

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