Discover How You Can Get Rid of Snoring With 5 Simple Lifestyle Changes

If you have been searching endlessly for ideas on how to get rid of snoring, perhaps I can help here. You’ll discover 5 things you can do in your life that can help you in your quest to get rid of snoring.

If you are serious about how to get rid of snoring then you need to carry out a fair amount of research. As with any problem that needs solving, the more information you have at your fingertips, the more you are likely to find an answer to your problem. And so with your snoring problem; the more you know the higher the chances of a successful outcome.

So, let’s first look at the causes of snoring…

This is pretty simple really: the cause of the sound we call snoring is vibrations in your airways. So what is it that is vibrating? It’s the loose tissue in your air passages that relax when you are sleeping. Now, if your airways are even partially blocked by the soft tissue whilst you sleep, the air you breathe has to flow faster. When it flows faster over these ‘obstructions’ the air gets turbulent and so vibrates the soft tissue. Hence the sounds of snoring.

But why does snoring only occur during slumber?…

Well, as I said above, snoring is the result of vibrations that are set up in the loose tissue in and around your airways. And the important term here is ‘loose.’ When you sleep, the muscles controlling the soft tissue relax, thus allowing the soft tissue to become relaxed too. But during the day, your muscles have control and prevent the soft tissue moving into your airways. Hence, no relaxed tissue, and so no snoring.

Now, let’s discuss how simple lifestyle adjustments can help you get rid of snoring during the night. But remember that the idea is always to prevent soft tissue moving into your airways when you sleep…

1. No meals before bedtime. Your metabolism takes time to process (digest) your food, so that if you go to bed within, say, three and a half to four hours of eating a meal, your stomach is likely to be full or quite full. This puts undue pressure on your diaphragm, which can help trigger snoring.

2. No alcohol or sedatives before bed either. Both of these cause your soft tissue to relax even more, and so can make your snoring worse.

3. Be careful what you eat. Some foods can cause you to have allergies that you may not even be aware of. These can lead to congestion which is another snoring trigger. As a snorer, it may be worth your while not eating foods like; chocolate, frozen foods, dairy produce, fried foodstuffs and baked foods like pizza’s, etc.

4. Weight reduction. If you are overweight, then you’ll have more fatty tissue around your neck. When you sleep this puts extra pressure on your airways, effectively constricting them and so causing snoring. So do all that you can to shed the fat!

5. Change your sleeping position. A majority of serious snorers sleep on their backs for most of the time they are asleep. Try sleeping on your side. Of course when you are sleeping you can’t control this, so you need something to help you. Grandad’s remedy for this was to sew a tennis ball to the back of your pyjamas. Give it a try.

The above suggestions can go a long way in helping you to prevent snoring. But, as I said at the beginning, the more you know, the more options you have, the more chance you have of getting rid of your snoring for good…

So, to get more free ideas on how you can get rid of snoring, please go now to

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