Know The Typical Sleep Apnea Symptoms

It is important to know Sleep Apnea symptoms. You may not know you have apnea, but it is a serious condition. Apnea strikes certain individuals when they sleep making them stop breathing. It could happen many times during the night lasting a few seconds to a minute.

Sleep Apnea is a common sleeping disorder that can be related to heart issues and serious heart related conditions. If you have trouble sleeping this could be the culprit. Individuals may not even know they are suffering from Apnea, but it is a good idea to consider the symptoms. There are three different types of Apnea. This includes central, mixed and obstructive types. Some individuals have a minor condition while others have a more serve condition that is life threatening. Knowing the symptoms will help you talk to your doctor and get proper treatment that could save your life and help you get a more restful sleep.

Central Sleep Apnea

Central Sleep Apnea means difficulty sleeping, daytime sleepiness, such as hypersominia, snoring, trouble concentrating, breathing difficult relieved with sitting up, abnormal breathing patterns while asleep and shortness of breath causing abrupt wakening. It is fairly common and has many of the same symptoms as Obstructive Apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

An individual that suffers from Obstructive Apnea their airway is obstructed when the throat muscles relax. This is the most common Apnea type. Symptoms include loud snoring, extreme daytime sleepiness, morning headache, waking up with a sore throat or dry mouth, sleeplessness and waking up abruptly leading to shortness of breath.

Mixed Sleep Apnea

Symptoms of Mixed Sleep Apnea are a combination of Central and Obstructive symptoms. This is diagnosed when the patient has an airway blockage and suffers reduced brain activity that relates to lost breathing control. Since it is a combination of symptoms it can be difficult to treat. Nevertheless, there are a variety of options for this type of apnea as well as all other types.

Some Apnea symptoms from each type can be felt, which makes it difficult to diagnosis what type. It is important for doctors to know about your symptoms because they can help find the best way to treat you. It is common to be recommended to use a special CPAP or PAP sleeping mask. This mask rests over the person’s nose and mouth and pushes air into the airways.

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