Treatment Options for Snoring

Anyone who snores – or those who live with one – is likely to want to find the most effective means of treating the snoring to alleviate it or make it go away! Sometimes that is more easily said than done because everyone’s snoring is different and what might work for one might not necessarily work for another.

The first step before venturing into the myriad treatment options advertised is to seek expert advice on determining if the snoring is a more serious symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. That is because it might mean there are underlying health reasons that are causing the sleep apnea.

Here are some treatment options available that might be used whether or not you have a serious condition. And these can easily be done at home. They are as follows:

  • If you snore more frequently when you don’t have enough sleep, try going to bed at the same time every night.
  • Many people who sleep on their backs suffer from snoring so try sleeping on your side. To keep you on your side attach a tennis ball to the back of your pajamas to keep you from turning onto your back.
  • People who are overweight often have snoring problems because their airways have been narrowed by excess fat so losing weight could be an easy solution.
  • Nasal strips can be used to widen the nostrils thereby improving the airflow thus alleviating your snoring.
  • Limiting use of alcohol or heavy foods before bedtime because these can worsen snoring symptoms.
  • Use of decongestants to reduce the symptoms of a cold will also alleviate snoring during the night.
  • Use of a CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure device has helped many people to see improved sleep with less snoring. This can be obtained through a physician.

Snoring is no laughing matter as it can be a serious health risk. It is therefore extremely important to ensure that you take concrete steps to alleviate the problem before it progresses to something more serious. These treatment options vary in terms of cost and in terms of convenience – but all are worth a try.

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