Sleep Apnea Treatments – Find Out Which Is Right For You!

Have you dreamed about effective sleep apnea treatments after yet another night of restless sleep? Apnea can turn a pleasant eight hours into a very draining experience. The next day you might find yourself drowsy or just generally cranky. Nobody wants that for themselves and you shouldn’t settle for it. With a variety of sleep apnea treatments and prevention methods, you can get your apnea under control and look forward to restful nights and productive days once again. For you, apnea can be a thing of the past! Keep reading if you want to find out how.

Apnea occurs when your breathing pattern during sleep is disrupted. Your breathing might simply be lowered in rhythm and intensity or it might be paused completely for a short time. There are two primary types of apnea: obstructive and central. Obstructive sleep apnea happens when the tissue at the back of your throat collapses and blocks your breathing for a short period. Central sleep apnea occurs when the brain does not signal your body to breathe as efficiently as it normally does. A third type, complex sleep apnea, is a mixture of the two cases. This all probably sounds somewhat alarming, doesn’t it? Fortunately, apnea can be effectively managed.

Sleep apnea symptoms include daytime fatigue, moodiness, dry mouth, morning headaches, and of course restless sleep. Also, you may have apnea if you are a loud snorer. However, you can’t determine if you have apnea just by these symptoms. Usually a spouse or someone who sleeps with you will be able to alert you to the fact that your breathing is actually stopping during sleep. You’ll need to have a sleep study done to tell conclusively. If you have any of these symptoms and suspect you may have apnea, whether you have been told or not, you should see your doctor. This advice should be followed especially if you live alone and have no one around to tell you of your breathing patterns while you’re asleep.

You may be at risk for apnea if you are overweight, over 65 years of age, or smoker. Men are at a higher risk for apnea than women. Also, if you have a family history of  apnea, you are more likely to develop the condition. There are steps you can take on your own to lessen your apnea problems. Losing weight if you’re overweight and quitting smoking are two great ways to reduce your issues. Sleeping on your side will help prevent your tongue from blocking your air passages. In addition, keeping a regular sleep schedule helps greatly as apnea occurrences tend to decline when you are well rested.

These self-help methods are definitely effective, but you may require some stronger sleep apnea treatments to get your problems under control. A common and effective treatment for advanced cases of apnea is CPAP, or Continuous Positive Airflow Pressure. CPAP is a device that continuously pumps air into your breathing passageways to keep them open while you sleep. You wear a CPAP device over your face like a mask. If you find it’s not very comfortable, don’t give up on it! With a little adjustment, your CPAP machine can quickly become a regular and beneficial part of your sleep routine. Other sleep apnea treatments include bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) machines and devices that keep your throat open during sleep.

Usually, treatments like CPAP are enough to deal with your problem. The discomfort of a CPAP machine may be too much for you to handle, however, or it may just be ineffective for you.  Another option for alleviating your problems is sleep apnea surgery. There are a variety of surgical methods available such as shifting your jaw forward, removing tonsils, or removing excess tissue. These are aimed at opening your throat wider in order to better the airflow. You should consult your doctor about the specifics of any invasive surgery.

You don’t have to suffer through apnea problems any more. There is a wide variety of sleep apnea treatments for you to explore! Talk to your doctor about the best way for you to combat your apnea so you can feel the benefits of good, restful sleep once again.

Why look for treatments when there are proven sleep apnea cures? Visit right now!

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