3 Snoring Aids That Work to Prevent Snoring at Night

So you are looking for snoring aids that work? Well, there are a few, some working better than others, but the outcome really depends on the individual circumstances.

So here are 3 snoring aids that are very popular and effective in preventing snoring at night.

Snoring aids work on the premise that if you can prevent the soft tissue moving into your airways when you are asleep, you can prevent snoring.

It’s the soft tissue partially blocking your airways whilst you sleep that causes turbulent airflow when you breathe. This turbulent air then ‘vibrates’ the soft tissue causing your snoring.

There are quite a number of different stop snoring devices out there, and the choice of device depends to a large extent on the individual’s distinct circumstances.

But a common issue is the chin moving away from the upper jaw and putting pressure on the main airway. And the tongue is connected to the lower jaw, so this can partially block the airway.

Another issue is the alignment of the neck and head. If this is not ‘straight’ then the airway can become restricted.

And ‘back-sleepers’ can have problems because their chin can move down and away from the upper jaw, taking the tongue with it.

So here are 3 simple snoring aids that work to prevent snoring at night:-

Snoring Aid #1 – Snoring Mouthpiece

These are devices that are made from plastic-like material that are inserted into the mouth during sleep.

They are designed such that when in place they keep the lower jaw from moving back and maintain the tongue in the correct position. This allows free flow of air without vibrations.

Snoring Aid #2 – Snore Pillow

There are several types, but one popular type is to help position you on your side during sleep.

By doing this, it reduces the risk of your tongue moving into your airway which it often does when you sleep on your back.

At the same time it can help to position your neck and head in such a way that your airways have the maximum flow through.

Snoring Aid #3 – Snoring Chin Strap

These also help to maintain the lower jaw in the correct alignment to prevent slippage back and the snoring that results from this.

It’s a very simple device, usually made of neoprene or similar material that has adjustable straps that go round the top and the back of the head. These appear to be very popular among people with snoring problems.

Please take the time to seek out these types of aids, as they can be very effective.

But bear in mind that there are many more, and to give yourself the greatest possible chance of preventing snoring at night, you should check-out these too…

So, to get more details on snoring aids that work, plus, important info. on special exercises to prevent snoring, please go now to www.howtostopsnoringatnight.info.

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