Snoring Chin Straps

If you snore a lot, and your wife complains about it all the time, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.  You know how the simple act of making sounds while you sleep “unintentionally” can affect your life, even if nobody else understands why it’s such a big deal.

Here’s a fun fact, children who grow up snoring tend to deflect from situations like sleepovers or summer camps to save themselves from being made fun off because they keep their friends awake.

It’s not just kids who get affected. Snoring is also an issue when you grow up. When an individual decides to be a part of holy matrimony or makes the decision to move to move in with their girlfriend or boyfriend, snoring can end up being a huge problem. The person who snores ends up suffering from guilt because he/she is the cause of discomfort to the people he/she loves, and it’s not really even their fault.

If you think that its time that you started looking for answers to this hideous problem, you’ve jumped onto the right page. Before, you criticizing what’s written for another publicity stunt to promote the strap or whatever, let me be honest and tell you that is so NOT the case.  This article is just an honest opinion about how the snoring aid works and to help you assess whether it’s the right aid for YOU or not. The positives of the strap are mentioned, but so are the negatives. I’ve drawn my conclusion, but feel free to make your own decision once you’re through with the article.

The snoring chin strap is your one step cure to turning your hellish life into paradise. There so many different versions of this contraption so that you can find one that’s made just for you but be careful while hunting my friend, some incarnations aren’t really meant for snoring.

The best solution to stop snoring, especially if you’re on the heavier side, IS TO LOOSE THE EXTRA POUNDS! But then again, if you’re too lethargic or a part of the 2% of the world’s population who actually does have a “glandular” ailment that’s keeping you from losing the excess baggage, then a snoring chin strap is probably the perfect solution for you.

Now, to answer the question that’s buzzing around in your head “what in the world is a snoring chip strap?” It’s a nice little contraption with adjustable straps that go around your face, actually just over your head, along with a fabric chin cup to support the face.

The next question that you probably have is, “well, how does it work?” First off, the chin strap keeps your jaw in a closed arrangement and in a forward position. This is very useful because once you’re asleep, you whole body loses muscle tone. It’s not just relaxation, its complete paralysis (sounds a little scary doesn’t it?). This should probably explain why you can’t move when someone wakes you up from out of the blue, and why you don’t act out whatever you’re dreaming which, I might add, is probably a blessing in disguise (yes, it has been scientifically proven). Now, if your muscles are paralyzed, so to speak, then so are your tongue and the back of your throat. When these particular muscles go all soft and floppy, you start snoring!

As simple as it may sound, it’s a complex problem with an uncomplicated solution. This chin strap keeps your tongue from falling backwards into your throat by maintaining your jaw in a forward position and at the same time keeping the tissues at the back of the throat out of the danger zone. And viola! You’re no longer snoring!

Alternatively known as the ‘jaw supporter’, the main function of this device is to get you to breather though your nose rather than your mouth because when you sleep with your mouth open you exert extra pressure on the throat which causes vibrations results in the sounds that we call ‘snores’.

Initially when this product came into the market, a lot of people though that it’s just another gimmick or scam to get them to waste their money on another product that isn’t going to do anything at all. The truth, they all shut their traps the minute they realized how effective this device really is. The effect is almost immediate. It’s convenient because while sleeping at night, you can still talk or have a drink of water before dozing off but all the same time, the minute you’re asleep your mouth will not open and that’s a guarantee. The people to didn’t have the courage to try the product but still passed judgment at the product being useless where left speechless when most of the clinics and hospitals started keeping their own stock is the snoring chin strap go give to their patients.

Now, if you’re snoring loud enough and often enough to keep the person next to you awake the whole night, you definitely need this. It’s going to make a huge difference and probably delay the real problems for years to come.

The snoring chip straps have an edge over all the other snoring aids in a number of ways. One, they’re inexpensive as well as easy to use with a relatively untarnished record of being effective. Two, it’s an immediate solution. You won’t be snoring one bit from the first night onwards. Three, unlike other external snoring aids, they don’t makes you feel claustrophobic in any way. Lastly, it gives you the time that you need to find a more feasible solution for yourself (if you don’t think the chin strap is working too well for you, that is) or even if it’s dealing with your weight issues.

But then again snoring chin straps are not as popular as they should be because of the way that they look. Having something wrapped around your head the whole night not only feels funny, but also looks funny, it’s not at all attractive in any way! Some people even compare it to looking like a dog’s muzzle. But then again who cares if it’s not fashionable as long as you get a good night’s sleep and the snoring goes away (unless you’ve got someone staring at you the whole night). The worst part is that every morning that you wake up you’re going to have serious ‘bed hair’ issues.

Another thing is that some people have reported that snoring chin straps aren’t all as effective as they claim to be, but this is something that you’ll have to find out on your own. The reviews about the device are very mixed. The wife seems to say that it works to a certain extent, but it hasn’t completely cured the problem. Others claim that a little bit of adjustment to the chin cup place, strap length and placement etc. improves the overall performance of the device.

Other people give up using it altogether because it’s uncomfortable to start off with. Honestly though, it might take a week or two to get used to, but give it a try because it costs just a fraction of all the other aids that supposedly help cure snoring.

All in all, the snoring chin strap is definitely worth trying as long you’re getting for under a $100. Anything more than that isn’t worth it, especially since they’re just a couple bits of fabric put together with stitches.

If you are really short on cash or if you’re really stingy with your money, you have the option of putting together your own snoring chin strap provided that you have someone around who can sew well. I’d refrain from making copies to sell ahead because that would probably break a few patent laws and get you and your family into a lot of trouble if you get caught.

Given the fact that it works for you, the snoring chin strap isn’t intrusive and saves you money in so many different ways as compared to CPAP. It’s much more comfortable as compared to an internally worn mouth guard and keeps you from getting mask sores as in the case of using CPAPs. It’s definitely a better long-term option if you put it up against throat sprays. Drugs don’t really work and mess up your system at the same time, so using chemicals for a mechanical problem isn’t the answer either. Pharmaceuticals, all in all, are just a very bad idea for a problem like snoring.

Do remember, that in case your snoring has different causes beneath the surface like being a victim of obesity, the snore strap is only a temporary solution. The good part is that it will definitely help you out and give you the time to go lose weight without having to lose a night’s sleep because of snoring. Go on! Go ahead and try this chin strap           to stop your significant other’s woes because of your snoring, maybe some good night’s sleep with get your brownie points with the wife and I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.

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