Treating Insomnia Without Drugs: How to Overcome Sleeplessness by Using Natural Sleep Procedures and Remedies

Hard working day, problems at home, shopping, etc. gets so exhausting that there is no time to think about yourself, and lack of time for sleep emerges. Looking in the mirror, you see nothing but a pale face, lowered eyes and bad mood on the face. But do not be quick to use make-up. Nothing will hide tiredness. If you suffer from insomnia, or lack of sleep, no cosmetics will help.

On free days and weekends, that is Saturday and Sunday, find the time to take a nap during a daytime. This will be very beneficial to your health.

Before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour. Walk slowly. This will help you fall asleep easily and the sleep will be deeper. Remember – the healthiest and most beneficial time of sleep is until midnight. Try to go to bed, for example, at 10 PM ar at least 11 PM.

If it gets hard to fall asleep, do not hurry to grad tablets. Instead, put on warm woolen socks and slowly drink a warm (but not hot) glass of milk with a spoon of honey (or, if honey is not present at that time, a piece of sugar).

The following are just a few common reasons for inability to fall asleep easily:
• The poor and restless sleep may be due to inapropriate bed. In this area, do not be frugal and pick a good one. The body must rest at night. As the folk wisdom says: “Half of life a is spent in bed and the bed is half of life!” 
• Sometimes, insomnia can be caused by a high pillow. If only you do not have any ilnesses related to heart, then put your head low as possible. 
• Excessive smoking can also be a cause of insomnia. It is worthwhile to consider quiting smoking.

More often thant these, insomnia is caused by stress and anxiety. However, there is a good mental cure for that. Read on.

It has been found that there is no such thing as absolute insomnia. Individuals often feel like they are unable to sleep (that is their psychics are awake), but meanwhile, the body actually is immersed in sleep, reaching a state equivalent to the state of sleep. Therefore, do not be afraid of insomnia. That is step No. 1.

Step No. 2 is for you to try to distance yourself from wories of the day when evening comes. Do not interrupt a normal daily routine: walking, bathing, reading, eating, even working, for habits are those things that prevent insomnia. Take your time and do not be fast to follow someone’s example: what works for someone may harm you, and vice versa.

Once again, do not hurry to take drugs; let it be the final means after you have tried everything else! It is said that the best cure for insomnia is physical activity and exercises combined with autogenic training. Use Google to find out more about what an autogenic training is. However, if you truly need medicines, do not start from tablets, use herbs that calm your nervous system first.

It is now commonly known that usage of medication for sleep is subject to deterioration body’s natural reaction to wake up and can result in lack of oxygen after waking up. If, however, instead instead of taking medicines you drink a warm glass of milk before bedtime, insomnia will soon abandon you and it will get easier to breathe. Milk contains tryptophan and amino acid, which induce sleep and, very importantly, is not harmful to your nervous system.

And finally, here are some good recipies for overcoming insomnia and enjoying a healthy sleep.
• A very good cure of insomnia is the hop tea. Take 1.5 spoon of hop, pour a glass of boiling water on it and keep it for 5 minutes. You can sweeten the drink for better taste. 
• Another great drink for sleep is the following: take a glass of hot (yes, hot) buttermilk or kefir and mix with a spoon, mix it with a spoon of milk powder and sweeten it with a spoon of honey.
• The surest way to intensify the blood circulation is yawning. When we yawn widely we always stretch, expanding the chest. After awakening from sleep, the very nature of ours makes us yawn. This very same procedure helps us also to fall asleep. 
• If overnight our face gets puffy and you feel strees at the back of your head , this means that you need to sleep on 2-3 pillows, that is in a semi-sitting position.

Overall, there might be various reasons for insomnia varying from anxiety (most often) to serious and/or rare diseases. Nonetheless, regardless of the cause, you should always first try to use natural sleep aids (examples of which have been presented in this article) and move on to heavier means of treatment in the last place, for it is our body’s natural ability to fall asleep that we need to have in consideration and look after all the time.




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