Why you should check UV protection when buying sunglasses

Why you should look for UV protection when buying sunglasses

Form and fashion don’t always go hand in hand and when it comes to eyewear UV (Ultra Violet) protection is not usually top of the list.

UV eye protection matters, yet compared to UV skin protection the public seem unaware or unconcerned of the health risks UV light poses. UV radiation from sunlight can cause damage to the skin of your eyelid and also the cornea, lens and other parts of the eye. UV exposure also contributes to the development of certain types of cataracts.

UVA and more commonly UVB light can both cause and propel several diseases and conditions, which affect the eye.  The damage to eyes can happen slowly over time and once the damage has been done it may not be reversible. Some people are more sensitive to UV light than others.

Everyone is at risk from damage from the sun throughout the year, but the greatest risk is from around during the day, when the sun is higher in the sky. Particularly prone are people who spend time near reflective surfaces such as the sea, beaches and snow. The reflective properties of sand, snow and water amplify the effects of UV radiation, which can then harm unprotected eyes.

Eyes can be damaged because light is a form of energy and when eyes absorb light, a heat or chemical reaction occurs in the eye. UVA and UVB light, are absorbed by different parts of the eye and can damage different areas or cause different problems:

Cornea – The cornea and the conjunctiva both absorb UVB rays and excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation can damage these.

Eye Lens – The eye lens tends to absorb UVA rays.

Retina – This absorbs visible light.  If visible light is too bright or if it is too intense, the retina can be damaged.  Even if you stare directly at the sun, the retina can be damaged.  This can cause permanent loss of sight in very severe cases, although the incidence of this is very rare.

When you’re choosing sunglasses, look for UV-protection details on product labels. Choose sunglasses that block 98 to 100 percent of both UVA and UVB rays. Opt for larger lenses rather than smaller lenses.

One highly respected brand are Randolph Engineering Aviators, trusted by numerous celebrities and the US Armed forces.

The Mandon Store UK distributors for Randolph Engineering Sunglasses including the Randolph Aviator. Randolph Aviators are trusted by the US Armed forces since 1982.

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