Must Know Complications of Lasik Eye Surgery

Lasik Surgery or Lasik Eye Surgery is one of the most accepted eye care procedures for getting a clear eye vision. Like any of the eye surgery procedure Lasik also has some complications. If anyone gets a lasik surgery to remove the refractive errors he/she still may not be able to see an object as clear as it can be viewed by natural eyes vision. This may have several reasons why the Lasik patients are unable to see much clearly even after getting an eye vision correction surgery. Apart from not seeing clearly lasik patients may get suffered from some other problems like dry eyes, over correction or under correction, light sensitivity and more. These all are the complications of lasik surgery, generally people with lasik suffer from at least 1-2 of the lasik complications but they may be treated by just using some special eye drops, and if your lasik surgeon was not an expert then you may face many problems and a follow-up eye surgery may be required. So choosing an expert lasik surgeon should also be considered at the earliest.

Here are the most common Lasik Complications:

Dry Eyes: According to the American Journal of Ophthalmology study, this is the most common complaint received from the Lasik patients and is continuously increasing. Even though there are treatments available for dry eyes but this may be another eye surgery, Dry eyes can also be treated by using some special eye drops but it is a temporary solution. Some of the popular dry eye treatments available are Artificial Tears, prescription tears and punctual occlusion. The point here to notice that sometimes the dry eyes cannot be treated using these treatment procedures so Lasik patients have to accept the dry eyes a permanent outcome as a complication of surgery.

Over Correction or Under Correction: During the surgery an exact amount of the corneal tissues to be removed from the cornea to get a perfect vision. Although today’s medical technology is able to measure that amount very accurately but sometimes a human error may lead to the incorrect calculation and the corneal tissues removed may be more or less than were required. In this case the lasik patient may suffer from over correction or under correction. Some of the lasik surgeons offers a free follow – up surgery in this case but remember getting another lasik surgery generates more chances of getting suffered from lasik complications.

Light Sensitivity: Light sensitivity is also known as photophobia, it is also one of the most complained lasik complications. It is the aversion to sunlight or the well lit places. Generally light sensitivity makes the patients feels pain in their eyes in the exposure of light. The pain is caused by the over simulation of photoreceptors in the retina and excessive electric impulse in the optic nerves. Cataract, ophthalmologic diseases and retinal detachments may also cause the eye light sensitivity.

Double Vision or Ghost Images: Double vision is also known as diplopia and is referred to the perception of two images of a single object at the same time. The two images appeared may be displaced horizontally, vertically, diagonally or in relation to each other. This lasik complication may also be treated by managing or correcting its causes. Sometimes if it is not treated then wearing some special eye patches or contact lenses can minimize the effects of double vision.

Some other Lasik complications are below:

  • Vitamin D deficiency from Sun sensitivity
  • Visual acuity fluctuation
  • Halos or starbursts around light sources at night
  • Wrinkles in flap
  • De-centered ablation
  • Debris or growth under flap
  • Thin or buttonhole flap
  • Macular hole
  • Posterior vitreous detachment
  • Epithelium erosion
  • Floaters
  • Corneal Ectasia and Induced astigmatism

Read more about Lasik Surgery at :

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